Using stated preference methods to design cost-effective subsidy programs to induce technology adoption: An application to a stove program in southern Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We study the design of an economic incentive based program – a subsidy – to induce adoption of more efficient technology in a pollution reduction program in southern Chile. Stated preferences methods, contingent valuation (CV), and choice experiment (CE) are used to estimate the probability of adoption and the willingness to share the cost of a new technology by a household. The cost-effectiveness property of different subsidy schemes is explored numerically for different regulatory objectives.

Policy Design

Consecuencias imprevistas y efectos en el comportamiento de los mecanismos de selección de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales

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Cómo los incentivos de mercado afectan el comportamiento de los que no reciben el PSA? Con este estudio el Programa de Investigación en Desarrollo, Economía y Ambiente (IDEA) de CATIE se dio a la tarea de explorar esta pregunta en Costa Rica.

Agriculture, Experiments, Forestry, Policy Design

Realizing REDD+: what role for Payments for Environmental Services?

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This Brief presents a framework that can be used to assess the potential impact of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) schemes.

Factors that determines the impact of PES are discussed such as additional forest conservation through targeted payments and the risk for unintended incentives and consequences and feelings of injustice among those who don´t receive payments. The brief further discuss the role for PES in national REDD+ policy.

Experiments, Climate Change, Conservation, Forestry, Policy Design

Economic Incentives for Pollution Control in Developing Countries: What Can We Learn from the Empirical Literature?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

This review seeks to analyze the implementation of Market Based Instruments (MBIs) in developing countries.

The focus is mostly (but not exclusively) on the empirical literature. The evidence is that MBIs have played a role in pollution reduction. However, this conclusion is mostly based on evidence from one country – China. Moreover, these tools seem to be used in conjunction with command and control instruments.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Perspectivas futuras sobre el co-manejo como alternativa para el uso y la protección de las tortugas en Ostional

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EfD Authors:

A pesar del relativo éxito del modelo de co-manejo que existe en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre de Ostional, los cambios externos repentinos y sin precedentes en el entorno local plantean serias interrogantes a la permanencia de este modelo de gestión para el uso y la protección de tortugas.

Conservation, Policy Design

What makes them follow the rules: the case of Ostional turtle egg harvesters

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EfD Authors:

Understanding the reasons why some people are more prone to break the rules than others reveal some of the challenges that local people and policy makers must overcome in order to let local institutions endure.

Conservation, Policy Design

Diseño y gestión adaptativa de un esquema de pago de servicios ecosistémicos en Copan Ruinas, Honduras

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Este artículo presenta el desarrollo de una iniciativa de pagos por servicios ecosistémicos relacionados con la provisión de agua potable en la comunidad de Copán Ruinas, Honduras. La metodología para diseñar e implementar este programa se basa en un enfoque integral y de gestión adaptativa, compuesto por varios componentes: definición de objetivos y diagnóstico general, análisis de condiciones habilitadoras, diseño técnico del programa, implementación y evaluación.


Policy Design