Centre for Research on the Economics of Climate, Food, Energy and Environment (CECFEE)

The Centre for research on the Economics of Climate, Food, Energy and Environment (CECFEE) is dedicated to in-depth economic research and analysis on the interlocking issues of climate change, energy security, environmental protection and food security in India.

Currently, there is a critical need for more capacity in economic modelling of energy and climate change that is needed for long-term planning by the government and for background in international climate negotiations.

CECFEE is located in the Indian Statistical Institute , Delhi which has the top-ranked research department of economics in India with outstanding Master’s and PhD programs in economics.

Vision: CECFEE is conceptualised to build a critical mass of research manpower with high-quality research infrastructure on a permanent basis and to provide sound inputs to the policy-making process. It also intends to reach out to a wider network throughout the country as well as link up with researchers in other countries.

CECFEE joined the Environment for Development (EfD) network in 2017.

Contact information

Indian Statistical Institute,7, J. S. Sansanwal Marg
Block B, Qutab Institutional Area
New Delhi