EfD in the media

Our researchers are often interviewed in different media, as experts in their respective fields. They also contribute with debate articles. Here are some examples.

January 2025

EfD Uganda was featured in Natural Resources with interviews with researchers on the theme Access to Electricity Remains Low Despite Increased Generation. The feature story concluded that policy reforms are needed for electricity access. 

December 2024
TOP Agri-Food Pioneers recently awarded Dr INNOCENSIA JOHN, EfDT research fellow and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics and Agribusiness at the University of Dar es Salaam, for driving significant change through groundbreaking solutions.  Interview with DAILY NEWS reporter.

‘Innovation and sustainability are co-pilots for agri-food sector’s future’

September 2024

Fishers want premix fuel subsidy removed — Study

91% of fishers support premix fuel subsidy removal

Online news articles highlighting key messages from EfD Ghana seminar on Ghana's premix fuel subsidy.

August 2024

Engage MAK to develop evidence-based policy research on energy,

Article in New Vision, Uganda, about the IGE program and how EfD Uganda and Makerere University engage in research to support evidence-based policies on energy. 

July 2024

EfD Ghana Director Wisdom Akpalu discussed the issue of Ghana’s closed fishing season on Ghana Broadcasting Corporation’s esteemed program, Talking Point on July 28. Wisdom Akpalu enriched the discussions with evidence-backed submissions, including the need to complement the closed season with other fisheries management strategies such as regulating the number of canoes and providing alternative livelihoods to fishers.

To watch the full episode, click here.

June 2024

Why women in India are dropping out of the workforce: Farzana Afridi and Kanika Mahajan on their research on gender and labor markets.
Voices in Development: A Podcast from Yale’s Economic Growth Center explores issues related to sustainable development and economic justice in low– and middle–income countries. This episode features Farzana Afridi and Kanika Mahajan on understanding and overcoming the barriers to women’s labor market participation in

May 2024

The nexus between climate change and health

Interview with EfD researcher Kenneth Kigundu, interviewed on TV47 Kenya (in English), talking about the nexus between climate change and health (some 40 minutes into the broadcast).


November 2023

"Mwananchi" newspaper, which is one of the leading newspapers in Tanzania reported the stakeholders' workshop for the Inclusive Green Economy Program discussed the perspectives on reforms for reduced biomass dependence in Tanzania.

Gharama kubwa, mazoea vyakwamisha matumizi nishati safi

November 2023

Ugandan public service TV (UBC) reported from a workshop at EfD Uganda on reducing biomass dependency. This workshop was part of the Inclusive Green Economy program. 

Promoting clean energy - environmentalists urge government to reexamine biomass policies

October 2023

Green Economy Needs to Start with a Change in Mindset

Dr. Pham Khanh Nam, Director of the Economy & Environment Partnership for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) and Environment for Development in Vietnam (EfD) shared his insights and perspectives on the green transition to the Ho Chi Minh City Law Newspaper.

TP.HCM: Cần chuyển đổi trong suy nghĩ để chuyển đổi xanh


May 2023


WATAFITI wa Tanzania wamekutana na watafiti  kutoka Chuo cha kikuu sayansi ya maisha (NMBU) kutoka Norway wamekutana katika warsha ya  Nishati safi ya kupikia na mabadiliko ya tabia nchi lengo likiwa ni kubadilishana matokeo ya tafiti ya nishati safi ya kupikia na mabadiliko ya tabia Nchi, Warsha hiyo imefanyika leo ijumaa 6 Mei 2023 katika chuo kikuu cha Dar es salaam Jijini Dar es salaam. Mlimani TV


April 2023

Ghana Fisheries Ministry installs video cameras on industrial vessels

The Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Ghana has formally announced the use of electronic monitoring systems or videos on industrial vessels as part of measures to control illegal fishing activities and conserve Ghana’s fisheries resources. EfD Ghana welcomes the new policy which it counts as one of the most fulfilling rewards yet of its enduring efforts to promote innovative approaches and transparency in addressing harmful fishing practices in Ghana.


December 2022

Experts advocate measures to protect water bodies, access potable water

Stakeholders in the water management and distribution sector have stressed the need for the nation to pursue proactive measures to halt further destruction of water bodies in the country.

Over 50 percent of GWCL customers not paying bills regularly – study

Over 50 percent of Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) customers do not pay their water bills regularly, a recent study has found.

The irregularity of payment by these customers affects the ability of GWCL to carry out scheduled repairs and replacement of aged and obsolete equipment, pipelines and other critical assets, according to the study tiled ‘Water Access, Billing Issues and Policy’.


November 2022

Stakeholders state position on review of 1992 Sea Fisheries Act

Stakeholders in Nigeria's  fisheries and aquaculture sector have agreed to forward a draft proposal for the review of the country’s Sea Fisheries Act of 1992 to the National Assembly for considerationThe review is a result of EfD Nigeria's engagement with policymakers and other concerned groups on the need to review the 30-year old Fisheries Act.  

Report by Lancet COVID-19 Commission Task Force on Green Recovery

The Lancet COVID-19 Commission Task Force on Green Recovery Final Statement has been published. Professor E. Somanathan from EfD India was a part of this Task Force. The report provides a recovery plan with a focus on long term resilience and a green and sustainable recovery from the impact of COVID-19.

Over 33,000 Tanzanians die annually for using firewood for cooking 

The Environment for Development Tanzania (EFDT) Deputy Coordinator and Inclusive Green Economy Research fellow Dr. Remidius Ruhinduka was among the panelists of a session in a national debate on the use of clean energy for cooking held on Tuesday, November 01, 2022, at the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere hall, Dar es Salaam. During the conference the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Hon. Samia Suluhu Hassan has directed the Ministry of Energy to create a task force to review and process existing policies to move toward the national plan to eliminate the use of dirty cooking gas by 2032. 
The task force will be led by the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Energy will coordinate and carry out the secretariat activities of the task force.
To increase productivity and efficiency, President Samia has ordered the structure of the task force to include experts from public departments and institutions, as well as people from the private sector and other environmental stakeholders.


August 2022

Just representation in climate policies empowers women
Interesting interview by EfD researcher Saudamini Das in Mongabay, a conservation news web portal. She discusses how an evidence-driven strategy of women’s representation in climate policies can prove effective in their empowerment. She points out the need to rigorously monitor and evaluate projects contributing to climate policy objectives in order to address concerns on the proper use of climate finance. On India’s Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bill 2022, which seeks to set up an innovative carbon credit market she says that regulatory frameworks to keep a watch on carbon pricing, are imperative for its effective implementation.

More women in the workforce mean better food security
Nikita Sangwan and Shalander Kumar present their findings in an op-ed in the Indian national newspaper The Hindu BusinessLine.
Addressing gender inequality in economic opportunities in developing countries has the potential to improve the household’s nutrition as well.

A green infrastructure pilot activity aims to restore riverbank forests in Costa Rica
The main TV channel of Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Channel 36, covered a tree planting event that was part of a program to restore riparian forests in the area. 


February 2022

Higher institutes of learning should provide space for critical thinking
Dr Kanika Mahajan, Assistant Professor of Economics at Ashoka University, talks about her research and the significance of critical thinking.


December 2021

Cooperation needed to save the climate
Great interview with EfD researcher Åsa Löfgren in the GU Journalen (Magazine of the University of Gothenburg)! She was, among many other things, an observer at the COP-26. She has many important things to tell us!

Conversation on "Economics and the environment"
In the fourth edition of Ideas for India (I4I) Conversations, E. Somanathan speaks with Partha Dasgupta, tracing the origins of his interest in environmental economics – a consistent theme of his academic work that spans several fields of economics and how his thinking on the issue has evolved over the years. 


November 2021

ENRRI advocates for protected forests

Ghana’s forests under threat – Prof Anthony Amoah

Our forests can generate revenue through recreation – Environmental economist

These three news articles share highlights of discussions and recommendations from a forum organized by the Environment and Natural Resources Research Initiative (ENRRI-EfD Ghana) to discuss the need to preserve Ghana’s protected forests as a part of environmental conservation efforts. The forum, led by Prof Anthony Amoah, outlined pathways for sustaining protected forests.


July 2021

Minister pledges support for the development of Natural Capital Account

Efforts to get Nigeria’s policymakers to mainstream Natural Capital Accounts (NCA) into the county’s system of accounting are gaining attention. The latest endorsement came from Nigeria’s Minister of Environment who pledged to work with EfD Nigeria in an ongoing NCA project and also mobilize other government agencies to actualize the project. With the World Bank already supporting the NCA project for Nigeria, it is just a matter of time before the EfD Nigeria team makes a huge policy impact.


June 2021

Losing out to IUU fishing; the cost Ghana bears
Research by natural resource economist and EfD expert Prof. Wisdom Akpalu on the effects of illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing was highlighted in the Daily Graphic newspaper, a respected Ghanaian daily with national coverage.


May 2021

The EBA pod: Circular Economy – between coffee and copper cables
Circular economy is gaining more and more attention in the work with the environment and climate. EBA has published a background report describing the concept and its connection to Swedish development aid. In this podcast, we hear experts reflect on how aid can become more circular. We also hear about ongoing projects with coffee plantations in Southeast Asia and switch cables in Gaza. Participants: Daniel Slunge, Ulrika Åkesson, Cecilia Brumér, Yaakov Garb, Sofia Ritzén, and Åsa Domeij. Host: Willy Silberstein. (In Swedish).

A brief description of the Sustainable Campus Strategy at Universidad Nacional, Medellín

Santiago Arango-Aramburo, EfD Colombia, participated in the youtube channel “Danilo preguntón” from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín. In the seventh episode, Santiago mentions that the "Sustainable Campus Strategy" refers to the sustainable transformation of the university campus in different aspects such as efficient lighting, charging stations for electric vehicles and bicycles, planting trees, using solar panels to generate electricity, reducing plastic consumption, using rainwater, social appropriation of the strategy, among others. (In Spanish).


April 2021

University of Bío-Bío’s (Chile) study reveals that emergencies influence Majors’ reelection.

EfD’s César Salazar from the University of the Bío-Bío (Chile) indicates in an article from Diario Concepción, that a natural disaster (exogenous event) produces an improvement in the Major’s administration capacity, which could lead to her reelection. This research was co-authored with Andrés Acuña (University of the Bío-Bío). (In Spanish).

Reflection on carbon leakage occurring at a local level

Jorge H García, EfD Colombia, pointed out in this column how universal participation in the Paris Agreement minimizes the risks of carbon leakage on a global scale. Using examples from a number of sectors, García illustrates how carbon leakage may occur, and it is probably occurring, at the local and regional levels. He explains that the collaborative spirit of the Paris Agreement, where all actors involved undertake mitigation actions, ought to be replicated at the local and regional levels for the overarching Agreement to hold water. (In Spanish).


The suggested taxes go in the right direction to discourage polluting emissions.

Jorge Bonilla and María Alejandra Vélez, EfD Colombia, comment on the suggested environmental taxes in a debate article in El Tiempo. Taxes need to be progressive and the proceeds must be used to finance environmental projects are some of the key messages. (In Spanish).


Will the second-worst polluter, become carbon neutral by 2050?

Joe Biden has very ambitious environmental goals. Will he succeed? TRT World interviewed EfD's Thomas Sterner, professor of environmental economics at the University of Gothenburg on his thoughts about this. (In English).


March 2021

“It is unlikely that unemployment in the Maule region reaches the 10% or more as last year”

EfD’s Juan Andrés Riquelme from the University of Talca (Chile) talks about unemployment rates in the region of Maule (Chile) under the context of Covid-19. He indicates to the website “Chillán Online” that regional unemployment would increase, although not at the same level as in 2020. (In Spanish).


The environment is not for investors to spend for free

Pham Khanh Nam, Director EfD Vietnam, was interviewed by the Saigon Times. He talked about the world biosphere reserves in Vietnam, how investors exploit natural resources and what needs to be done. (In Vietnamese).


Climate change may decline the output of the manufacturing sector in India

Rising temperatures have a negative impact on productivity and may also increase income inequality. Research conducted by EfD researchers Eswaran Somanathan and Rohini Somanathan in collaboration with Anant Sudarshan and Meenu Tewari was featured in over 40 news publications. Some of the newspapers were:  

Indian ExpressHindustan TimesTimes of India. (In English).


Business as usual would collapse the fishing industry

The fisheries sector is a major contributor to the lives and the economy of Ghana, but its sustainability is under serious threat.  Evidence-informed proposals by EfD researcher Wisdom Akpalu on ways to mitigate fisheries sector challenges and save it from an imminent collapse were reported in multiple national media outlets.

Daily GraphicGhanaWeb (In English)


Updated: 28 January 2025