Sizing Protected Areas within a Landscape: The Roles of Villagers’ Reaction and the Ecological-Socioeconomic Setting

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Traditionally, siting and sizing decisions for parks and reserves reflected ecological characteristics but typically failed to consider ecological costs created from displaced resource collection, welfare costs on nearby rural people, and enforcement costs.


Consecuencias imprevistas y efectos en el comportamiento de los mecanismos de selección de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales

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Cómo los incentivos de mercado afectan el comportamiento de los que no reciben el PSA? Con este estudio el Programa de Investigación en Desarrollo, Economía y Ambiente (IDEA) de CATIE se dio a la tarea de explorar esta pregunta en Costa Rica.

Agriculture, Experiments, Forestry, Policy Design

Nudging Boserup? The Impact of Fertilizer Subsidies on Investment in Soil and Water Conservation

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The new fertilizer subsidies in sub-Saharan Africa are intended to increase agricultural production and ensure development of a fertilizer market. Fertilizer adoption requires complementary inputs, such as investment in soil and water conservation (SWC), for efficient and optimal nutrient uptake, and many fertilizer subsidy programs implicitly assume that fertilizer subsidies crowd in such investments.


Soil Conservation and Small Scale Food Production in Highland Ethiopia: A Stochastic Metafrontier Approach

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EfD Authors:

This is a chapter in a book entitled "Agricultural Investment and Productivity: Building Sustainability in East Africa" edited by Gunnar Köhlin and Randall Bluffstone, 2011.

This chapter aims to contribute to the literature on soil and water conservation (SWC) by decomposing productivity into technology and technical efficiency (TE) effects. A firm is said to be technically inefficient if it produces less output from a given input bundle than the maximum output that can be attained from the input bundle at the current level of technology.

Agriculture, Experiments

Agricultural Investment and Productivity - Building Sustainability in East Africa

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Agricultural Investment and Productivity provides a deep and systematic look at the opportunities for and constraints to investments in sustainable agriculture in East Africa, offering important insights into what works and how to analyze agricultural investments in one of the poorest regions of the world.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Risk preferences as determinants of soil conservation decisions in Ethiopia

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Soil degradation is one of the most serious environmental problems in the highlands of Ethiopia. The prevalence of traditional agricultural land use and the absence of appropriate resource management often result in the degradation of natural soil fertility.
