The role of institutions in community wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe

Submitted by Felicity Downes on
EfD Authors:

Institutions play a significant role in stabilising large-scale cooperation
in common pool resource management. Without restrictions to govern human
behaviour, most natural resources are vulnerable to overexploitation. This study
used a sample size of 336 households and community-level data from 30 communities
around Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe, to analyse the relationship
between institutions and biodiversity outcomes in community-based wildlife
conservation. Our results suggest a much stronger effect of institutions on biodiversity


Livestock predation in South Africa: The need for and value of a scientific assessment

Submitted by Felicity Downes on

Predation of livestock in South Africa has been estimated to cost in excess of ZAR1 billion in losses per
year and has complex social, economic and ecological drivers and consequences. In this context, livestock
can be broadly defined as domesticated animals and wildlife (the former excluding poultry and the latter
including ostrich, Struthio camelus) managed for commercial purposes or human benefit in free-ranging (or
semi-free ranging) circumstances that render them vulnerable to predation. This conflict between livestock


Perspectivas futuras sobre el co-manejo como alternativa para el uso y la protección de las tortugas en Ostional

Submitted by admin on
EfD Authors:

A pesar del relativo éxito del modelo de co-manejo que existe en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre de Ostional, los cambios externos repentinos y sin precedentes en el entorno local plantean serias interrogantes a la permanencia de este modelo de gestión para el uso y la protección de tortugas.

Conservation, Policy Design

What makes them follow the rules: the case of Ostional turtle egg harvesters

Submitted by admin on
EfD Authors:

Understanding the reasons why some people are more prone to break the rules than others reveal some of the challenges that local people and policy makers must overcome in order to let local institutions endure.

Conservation, Policy Design

Kgalagadi transfrontier park and its land claimants: a pre- and post-land claim conservation and development history

Submitted by admin on

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is located in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and neighbouring Botswana. The local communities on the South African side, the Khomani San (Bushmen) and Mier living adjacent to the park have land rights inside and outside the park.


Agricultural Risk Management through Community-Based Wildlife Conservation in Rural Zimbabwe

Submitted by admin on

By making use of national historical data and statistical analysis, this paper argues that community-based wildlife conservation is a feasible hedge asset for agricultural production in rural Zimbabwe.


Wildlife Management In Zimbabwe: Evidence From A Contingent Valuation Study

Submitted by admin on

If communities living adjacent to the elephant see it as a burden, then they cannot be its stewards. To assess their valuation of it, a contingent valuation method study was conducted for one CAMPFIRE district in Zimbabwe.


Lake Victoria Fish Stocks and the Effects of Water Hyacinths on the Catchability of Fish

Submitted by admin on
EfD Authors:

This study of the deleterious effect on fishing by the water hyacinth invasion of Lake Victoria found an unusual positive: the decline of fish catchability caused by the the abundance of water hyacinths has paradoxically stopped or at least postponed serious overfishing.



Can local communities in Zimbabwe be trusted with wildlife management?: Evidence from contingent valuation of elephants

Submitted by admin on

If local communities living adjacent to the elephant see it as a burden, then they cannot be trusted to be its stewards. To assess their valuation of it, a CVM study was conducted for one CAMPFIRE district in Zimbabwe.
