
Our vision is to support poverty alleviation and sustainable development in the Global South through increased use of Environmental Economics in the policy-making processes.

Major areas of contribution

The main goal of EfD Tanzania (EfDT) is to be the leading center for environmental economics and a locus for interactions among researchers, civil servants, and policymakers interested in policy-oriented environmental research in Tanzania. So, the aim is to contribute to the effective management of the environment and increased equality in the Global South.


The EfDT was established in 2007 and is hosted at the  University of Dar es Salaam School of Economics (UDSoE). The School of Economics offers Undergraduate, Master's, and Ph.D. specialization courses in environment and economics. These are analogous to the collaborative courses under the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) programs in joint electives facilities. EfDT is run by a secretariat and overseen by a policy board that is made up of representatives from the policy-making arena in Tanzania.

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