Challenges to institutionalizing strategic environmental assessment: The case of Vietnam

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Building on new institutional theory, this paper develops an analytical framework for analyzing constraints to the institutionalization of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) at four different institutional levels.

Policy Design

Integrating Market Access and Tenure Security: The role of Institutional Isolation in Crop Productivity in Kenya

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

This paper analyses the role of institutional isolation on crop productivity in Kenya using household survey data. The study is based on the theory of agricultural household models and the sustainable land management framework.


Can Communication Facilitate Cooperation in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

Submitted by Byela Tibesigwa on
EfD Authors:

International and domestic efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions require a coordinated effort from countries and individuals that differ in terms of their level of income, historical responsibility in terms of contributions to the existing stock of emissions, current intensity of energy use and costs of reducing emissions. This brief reports the results of an economic experiment that examines whether groups of individuals – who differ in terms of their individual costs of reducing emissions – can meet a collective emissions reduction target.


Property rights, institutions and choice of fuelwood source in rural Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This study examines the relationship between property rights, defined by land tenure security and the strength of local-level institutions, and household's preferences for fuelwood source. A multinomial regression model applied to survey data collected in rural Ethiopia underpins the analysis. Results from the discrete choice model indicate that active local-level institutions increase household dependency on open access forests, while land security reduces open access forest dependence.

Energy, Forestry

Consecuencias imprevistas y efectos en el comportamiento de los mecanismos de selección de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales

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Cómo los incentivos de mercado afectan el comportamiento de los que no reciben el PSA? Con este estudio el Programa de Investigación en Desarrollo, Economía y Ambiente (IDEA) de CATIE se dio a la tarea de explorar esta pregunta en Costa Rica.

Agriculture, Experiments, Forestry, Policy Design

Institutional settings and livelihood strategies in the Blue Nile Basin: implications for upstream/downstream linkages

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Through rapid assessment of existing literature and review of policy and other official documents, the report synthesizes the existing knowledge and gaps on policies and institutions and identifies key research issues that need in-depth study.


Land and water institutions in the Blue Nile Basin: Setups and gaps for improved land and water management

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This study undertook an assessment and gap analysis of the institutional arrangements for improved land and water management in the Tana and Beles Sub-basins highlands of the Blue Nile Basin. We explored the mandates and design features of the major land- and water-related institutional arrangements. Focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and a literature review were used in the analysis.

Agriculture, Experiments, Policy Design