Persson, Martin
Martin Persson currently holds a Assistant Professor position at the Physical Resource Theory group, Department of Energy & Environment at Chalmers University of Technology. He has a background in environmental science and earned his PhD with a thesis on the economics of climate change and climate policy, with a special focus on non-CO2 greenhouse gases and tropical deforestation.
In addition to the aforementioned topics his current research interests include environmental and socio-economic impacts of a large-scale expansion of biomass.
In 2008 Martin, together with co-author Thomas Sterner, was awarded the Myrdal Prize for the best article in the Swedish Economic Society’s journal Ekonomisk Debatt, for a paper on the economics of climate change in the wake of the Stern Review (a English version of this article was published as ‘An Even Sterner Review’ in the Review of Environmental Economics and Policy). He also assisted the Swedish EPA in the translation of the Stern Review into Swedish, serving as an expert reviewer.
Martin is an appreciated lecturer at both undergraduate and graduate level in the topics of energy, climate change and climate policy. Martin has also held numbers of lectures to policy makers, business leaders, environmental organizations and the general public on energy, sustainability and climate change.
Expertize/Research area:
- Climate policy with focus on: the economics of climate change
- Non-CO2 greenhouse gases and the trade-off between mitigation of these and CO2; tropical deforestation in future climate policy regimes (REDD+)
- Environmental and socio-economic impacts of a large-scale expansion of bioenergy