
The Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative (SETI) is an interdisciplinary global collaborative that aims to foster research on energy access and energy transitions in low and middle-income countries, and to better understand their drivers and dynamics, as well as their impacts on health, gender equality, economic growth, poverty alleviation, climate change and natural resources.

Areas of Contribution

SETI is a vibrant network dedicated to rigorous energy transitions research, emphasizing the social science contributions while recognizing the need for interdisciplinary collaboration. The collaborative focuses on:

  • Capacity building of researchers from the global South
  • Biannual meetings to convene researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from around the world to motivate more policy-relevant research and improve decision-making based on empirical evidence
  • Supporting research topics on air pollution, clean and improved cooking solutions, electricity access and renewable energy


SETI is a multi-country initiative initially developed in collaboration with EfD centers located in Ethiopia, Chile and China. Since 2015, SETI has grown to include participation with at least eight other EfD centers and with researchers from over 35 countries from all major regions


The SETI Collaborative Secretariat is based at Universidad de Concepción, in Chile, led by program leaders Marcela Jaime and Marc Jeuland and coordinated by Cristóbal Vásquez.

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