Lessons learned from investing in marine and coastal management initiatives in the East Asian Seas

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EfD Authors:

The concept that underlies the interventions of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) International Waters Program is adaptive management at the Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) scale across the sequence of interventions from assessment and analysis to development of regional strategic action programs and national implementation of action plans to address transboundary environmental concerns. The GEF has provided grants to recipient countries in the East Asian Seas region covering five LMEs since the early 1990s and amounting to about US$200 million.

Fisheries, Policy Design

Measuring potential profits in a bioeconomic model of the mixed demersal fishery in the North Sea

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This paper measures for potential profit in the North Sea mixed demersal fishery for cod, haddock and whiting. Dynamic bioeconomic models for three UK fisheries are developed, incorporating both population dynamics and economic structure. Actual profit in 2006, for the three UK fleets included in the analysis, is estimated at £10.3 million. If the TAC remains unchanged but vessels are allowed to harvest at near efficient levels with fleet size reduced accordingly, potential profit is measured at £34.5 million.


Kenya State of Environment Report 2010

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EfD-Kenya actively participated in the preparation of the Kenya State of Environment (SoE) Report 2010. EfD-K Researchers Dr. Wilfred Nyangena and Geophrey Sikei were authors in the report. Dr. Nyangena was the Lead Author for Chapter 11 of the report which dealt with Policy options for action. Geophrey was a contributing author in Chapter 11 and Chapter 6 dealing with Land, Agriculture and Livestock.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Energy, Fisheries, Forestry, Conservation, Policy Design

The Centenary of Jens Warming’s Optimal Landing Tax in Fisheries

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EfD Authors:

This note acknowledges Jens Warming's contributions (1911, 1931) on what has since come to be known as the open access problem in fisheries. Warming, in a static framework, suggested an optimal landing tax before Pigou (1920) and described the sole owner solution later suggested by Scott (1955b). I describe these results using Warming's framework and point to his previously overlooked contribution concerning the dynamic aspect of fisheries.


Reference-dependent behaviour of paua (abalone) divers in New Zealand

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We study dynamic labour supply using data on paua (abalone) divers in New Zealand. The divers face stable, flat prices per kilogram after each catch, but experience transitory wage changes due to varying weather and water conditions, and are free to vary their daily working hours and display an intermittent working pattern. We find nonlinear wage elasticities, rejecting the standard neo-classical prediction that these divers should work long hours during days when wages are high and quit early during days when hourly wages are low.


The Role of Incentives for Sustainable Implementation of Marine Protected Areas: An Example from Tanzania

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Although Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) provide an increasingly popular policy tool for protecting marine stocks and biodiversity, they pose high costs for small-scale fisherfolk who have few alternative livelihood options in poor countries. MPAs often address this burden on local households by providing some benefits to compensate locals and/or induce compliance with restrictions.


Managing marine protected areas through incentives to local people; The case of Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park

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Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in poor countries typically address the impact of fishing restrictions on rural resource-dependent villagers because of their mandate and because achieving conservation goals requires altering household fishing behavior.
