Open Access Post-Harvest Grazing and Farmers’ Preference for Forage Production Incentives

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Open access post-harvest grazing is widespread in mixed crop-livestock systems. This discourages conservation agriculture, which depends on keeping the soil surface covered with crop residues. One way to reduce open access grazing is through restricting communal grazing access to allow rights of exclusion, while simultaneously improving the production of livestock feeds.

Agriculture, Conservation

The Centenary of Jens Warming’s Optimal Landing Tax in Fisheries

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

This note acknowledges Jens Warming's contributions (1911, 1931) on what has since come to be known as the open access problem in fisheries. Warming, in a static framework, suggested an optimal landing tax before Pigou (1920) and described the sole owner solution later suggested by Scott (1955b). I describe these results using Warming's framework and point to his previously overlooked contribution concerning the dynamic aspect of fisheries.
