Stakeholder perceptions of enhancement opportunities in the Chilean small and medium scale mussel aquaculture industry

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

The Chilean mussel aquaculture industry is a prime example of a thriving industry.  However, the industry growth rate, aquaculture concessions and market prices have stabilized signaling a shift in the industry from exponential growth to, if handled correctly, economic stability.  Here we used perception research, an efficient tool to inform on the implementation of management strategies, to provide policy makers with the tools necessary for the development of strategies that will aid in the sustainability of the industry through its current shift.  We assessed the perception


What is the preference of Swedish forestry stakeholders – biodiversity or production goals?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This policy brief discusses the whether the  preference of Swedish forestry stakeholders is biodiversity or production goals. Healthy and productive forests benefit us all, but what are the priorities of those directly managing Swedish forests? This brief presents a comparison of the preferences of key stakeholders regarding Swedish forest management and biodiversity protection.


Factors Determining the Stability and Productivity of Small Scale Anaerobic Digesters

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Biogas as a technology and the factors that affect its productivity have both been well studied. Research has previously been done to look at the impact of temperature, pH, organic loading rate, carbon-to-nitrogen ratios, microbial populations and hydraulic retention time on different scales of biogas operations. Small scale biogas installations, of which many millions have been constructed and seem to be performing well, have been chosen as the area of focus for this paper. Such systems allow energy generation on site, thereby eliminating the need for energy intensive transport.


Integrating Market Access and Tenure Security: The role of Institutional Isolation in Crop Productivity in Kenya

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

This paper analyses the role of institutional isolation on crop productivity in Kenya using household survey data. The study is based on the theory of agricultural household models and the sustainable land management framework.


Assessment of Adoption and Impact of Rainwater Harvesting Technologies on Rural Farm Household Income: The Case of Rainwater Harvesting Ponds in Rwanda

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Rainwater harvesting is increasingly viewed as a major strategy for enhancing agricultural productivity and boosting farm income in many drought-prone areas. While this technology is being promoted in many developing countries, there is conflicting evidence in the literature about its impact on welfare of farm households.


A Non-Parametric Data Envelopment Analysis Approach for Improving Energy Efficiency of Grape Production

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Grape is one of the world's largest fruit crops with approximately 67.5 million tonnes produced each year and energy is an important element in modern grape productions as it heavily depends on fossil and other energy resources. Efficient use of these energies is a necessary step toward reducing environmental hazards, preventing destruction of natural resources and ensuring agricultural sustainability. Hence, identifying excessive use of energy as well as reducing energy resources is the main focus of this paper to optimize energy consumption in grape production.


Estimating the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Low-Income Countries: Household Level Evidence from the Nile Basin, Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the impact of climate change on agriculture in a typical developing country. The economic implications of climate change are estimated by using both a farm productivity and a Ricardian framework.

Agriculture, Climate Change

Las Escuelas de Campo del MAP: diálogo de saberes hacia el empoderamiento de las familias rurales

Submitted by admin on

Las ECAS contribuyen a mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias productoras rurales a través de la capacitación vivencial, la educación de adultos y el aprendizaje por descubrimiento. Así se promueve la
experimentación y observación, el análisis grupal de resultados y la toma de decisiones.


Impact of Perennial Cash Cropping on Food Crop Production and Productivity

Submitted by admin on
EfD Authors:

The argument for promoting cash crops in developing countries has generally been based on their contribution to small farmer incomes and their impact on other household activities such as household crop production through interlinked markets.


Seeds for livelihood: Crop biodiversity and food production in Ethiopia

Submitted by admin on

This paper uses a farm level panel data from Ethiopia and a comprehensive empirical strategy to investigate the contribution of crop biodiversity on food production.

We find that increasing the number of crop variety increases production. This result is stronger when rainfall level is lower. Moreover, the productivity analysis is complemented with the study of the determinants of farm level crop biodiversity. Empirical results suggest that rainfall, tenure security and household endowments tend to govern crop diversity decisions at the farm level.
