Agricultural production diversity, dietary diversity and nutritional status: Panel data evidence from Tanzania

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on
EfD Authors:

Household agricultural production for self-consumption is often highlighted by nutritionists as the main route to increasing household food security and nutritional status, especially for the poor in developing countries. At the same time, the income gains from specializing in fewer crops and selling the surplus product could be an alternate route to improved nutritional status. We use Tanzanian data to study linkages between the diversity and market orientation of a household’s agricultural production, the quality and diversity of their diets, and the nutritional status of their children.


Adoption and disadoption of electric cookstoves in urban Ethiopia: Evidence from panel data

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Previous studies on improved cook stove adoption in developing countries use cross-sectional data, which make it difficult to control for unobserved heterogeneity and investigate what happens to adoption over time. We use robust non-linear panel data and hazard models on three rounds of panel data from urban Ethiopia to investigate the determinants of adoption and disadoption of electric cook stoves over time.

Energy, Forestry

Crop Insurance as a Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Financial insurance for extreme events can play an important role in hedging against the implications of climate change. This paper combines a comprehensive estimation strategy and a unique panel dataset to study the role of financial insurance in farmers' welfare under uncertainty.

Agriculture, Climate Change

The Dynamics of Electric Cookstove Adoption: Panel Data Evidence from Ethiopia

Submitted by admin on

Previous studies on improved cookstove adoption in developing countries use cross-sectional data, which makes it difficult to control for unobserved heterogeneity and investigate what happens to adoption over time.


Private Trees as Household Assets and Determinants of Tree-Growing Behavior in Rural Ethiopia

Submitted by admin on

This study looked into tree-growing behavior of rural households in Ethiopia. With data collected at household and parcel levels from the four major regions of Ethiopia, we analyzed the decision to grow trees and the number of trees grown, using such econometric strategies as a zero-inflated negative binomial model, Heckman’s two-step procedure, and panel data techniques.

Agriculture, Forestry, Policy Design

Seeds for livelihood: Crop biodiversity and food production in Ethiopia

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This paper uses a farm level panel data from Ethiopia and a comprehensive empirical strategy to investigate the contribution of crop biodiversity on food production.

We find that increasing the number of crop variety increases production. This result is stronger when rainfall level is lower. Moreover, the productivity analysis is complemented with the study of the determinants of farm level crop biodiversity. Empirical results suggest that rainfall, tenure security and household endowments tend to govern crop diversity decisions at the farm level.
