Integrating Market Access and Tenure Security: The role of Institutional Isolation in Crop Productivity in Kenya

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EfD Authors:

This paper analyses the role of institutional isolation on crop productivity in Kenya using household survey data. The study is based on the theory of agricultural household models and the sustainable land management framework.


Tenure security and ecosystem service provisioning in Kenya.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The chapter is a case study of tenure security and ecosystem service provisioning in Kenya. It provides support to a strong positive link between tenure security and investment in soil and water conservation. Evidence from 18 villages in rural Kenya suggests that household income tends to increase as a result of land conservation investments. This is particularly the case when land is registered in the name of the household head rather than another member of the extended family.


The regulation of a spatially heterogeneous externality: Tradable groundwater permits to protect streams

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Groundwater pumping can reduce the flow of surface water in nearby streams. In the United States, recent awareness of this externality has led to intra- and inter-state conflict and rapidly-changing water management policies and institutions.


The Impact of Kinship Networks on the Adoption of Risk-Mitigating Strategies in Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The adoption of certain farm management practices, such as tree planting and soil and water conservation, can reduce exposure to weather shocks. However, in many countries the adoption of such risk mitigating measures is far from complete.
