Quota Compliance in TURFs: An Experimental Analysis on Complementarities of Formal and Informal Enforcement with Changes in Abundance

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

We explore the effects of different enforcement mechanisms, including formal (external), informal (local), and both together, on individual compliance behavior under a system of territorial use rights in fisheries (TURFs). Our design considers different stock abundance levels and the effect that such differences may exert on extraction decisions and compliance behavior. The analysis is based on a framed field experiment conducted with artisanal fishers in central-southern Chile.

Fisheries, Policy Design

Marine Protected Areas in Artisanal Fisheries: A Spatial Bio-economic Model Based on Observations in Costa Rica and Tanzania

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

In many lower-income countries, the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) involves significant opportunity costs for artisanal fishers, reflected in changes in how they allocate their labor in response to the MPA. The resource economics literature rarely addresses such labor allocation decisions of artisanal fishers and how, in turn, these contribute to the impact of MPAs on fish stocks, yield, and income.


Marine Protected Areas: Lessons from Costa Rica and Tanzania

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

Both Tanzania’s and Costa Rica’s beaches provide important nesting sites for endangered sea turtles. Poaching of eggs by local people for food or for sale presents a major threat to these species, as do other predators. This harvesting of eggs in MPAs, and throughout Costa Rica, remains illegal, but enforcement on long beaches proves difficult. Both countries have active organizations that attempt to reduce this poaching, sometimes involving moving nests.


Poverty Impact of Salmon Growth Centers in Los Lagos’s Region in Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

This study evaluates the impact on poverty produced by the establishment of salmon aquaculture  in rural localities of Los Lagos region in Chile in the period 1992 - 2002.


The Effect of Organizational Characteristics on the Technical Fishing Efficiency within a Collective Quota (CQ) System

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

This research examines empirically the initial impact of artisanal organizations’ characteristics on the technical efficiency of Chile’s common sardine and anchovy artisanal fishery fleet operating in a collective quota (CQ) system.
