¿Ha contribuido el desarrollo de la salmonicultura en la Región de Los Lagos a la reducción de la pobreza rural? Una mirada empírica desde ingreso

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We analyze if poorest people in rural localities of Región de Los Lagos, Chile have benefited in terms of poverty alleviation with salmon farms establishment within 1992-2002 period.  In order to assess the impact of this event on poverty, we compare areas with and without salmon farms.  We calculate poverty rates through small area estimation models at household level and we approach through differences in differences.  Our findings suggest, that poverty decreased more in localities with salmon farms than in those who do not.  We also identify geographic distances, betw


Poverty Impact of Salmon Growth Centers in Los Lagos’s Region in Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

This study evaluates the impact on poverty produced by the establishment of salmon aquaculture  in rural localities of Los Lagos region in Chile in the period 1992 - 2002.


Protected areas and economic welfare: an impact evaluation of national parks on local workers’ wages in Costa Rica

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

The number of protected areas around the world has significantly increased. However, the effects of this policy on the wellbeing of local households are still under debate. Using pre-treatment characteristics and household surveys with highly disaggregated geographic reference, we explore how national parks affect the wages of local workers in Costa Rica.


Local Effects of Payments for Environmental Services on Poverty

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

We estimate local effects of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) programs on poverty in Costa Rica between 2007 and 2009. Using household surveys and spatial geographic data, we are able to control for socioeconomic and geographic characteristics at the individual and census tract level.

Conservation, Policy Design

Does Tourism Eco-Certification Pay? Costa Rica’s Blue Flag Program

Submitted by admin on

Our findings provide some of the first evidence that eco-certification can generate private benefits for tourism operators in developing countries and therefore has the potential to improve their environmental performance.

Policy Design

Does eco-certification have environmental benefits? Organic coffee in Costa Rica

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Eco-certification of coffee, timber and other high-value agricultural commodities is increasingly widespread. In principle, it can improve commodity producers' environmental performance, even in countries where state regulation is weak. But eco-certification will have limited environmental benefits if, as one would expect, it disproportionately selects for producers already meeting certification standards.
