Eco-Innovation in China

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This report inventories policies in place in China to support eco-innovation. It belongs to a series of country profiles on eco-innovation policies developed for eight non-EU OECD countries (Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey and the US) and for China.

The objective of this work is to complement the knowledge base on eco-innovation policies and to provide empirical material for additional research on policy issues related to eco-innovation.

Policy Design

Sectorial Analysis and findings: Agriculture

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The chapter explores the links between ecosystem services (ES) and agricultural productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

Where feasible, the discussion presents, in economic terms, the contribution of ES to agriculture, the social and agricultural costs of poor management of ES, and the opportunities that harnessing these services present to farmers and to society. Both cropping and animal production systems are covered, as are actors from smallholders to large agribusinesses.


Importance of biodiversity and ecosystems in economic growth and equity in Latin America and the Caribbean: An economic valuation of ecosystems

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EfD Authors:

Part of the UNDP Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean: A biodiversity super power.

Report aims to inform policy makers and businesses in LAC  about the economic risks and opportunities of undertaking productive activities that impact on and are influenced by biodiversity and  Ecosystem Services (ES).The Report is a tool to assist governments and stakeholders to analyze the role of ES in order to incorporate them into economic planning, policy and investment at the sectoral level.


Value of Natural Resources in Ethiopia

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EfD in Ethiopia, the Environmental Economics Policy Forum for Ethiopia (EEPFE) will be co-hosting a one day workshop with Forum for Environment on Tuesday 8 September 2009.

The main theme of the workshop will be on accounting and taking stock of land, soil and forestry resources in Ethiopia.

The workshop will be chaired by Dr Alemu Mekonenn, Coordinator of EEPFE.

Dr Menale Kassie, EEPFE Research Associate will present papers related to the theme of the workshop. The papers being presented are:

China's 11th Five-Year Plan and the Environment: Reducing SO2 Emissions

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China's rapid economic growth has been accompanied by a high level of environmental degradation. One of the major sources of health and ecosystem damages is sulfur dioxide (SO2). Reducing SO2 emissions is a priority of China's environmental authorities, and the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006–2010) includes the target of reducing total SO2 emissions by 10 percent from the 2005 level.

Climate Change, Policy Design

Cost of Land Degradation in Ethiopia: A Critical Review of Past Studies

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This study will review the past studies of the cost of land degradation in Ethiopia, assess the major methodological and conceptual issues and problems existing in the different approaches, compare the findings across these studies considering the relative merits of the different approaches, and draw implications for policies and programs, as well as for future research related to land management in Ethiopia.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Forestry

Costa Rica’s Payment for Environmental Services Program: Intention, Implementation and Impact

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We evaluated the intention, implementation, and impact of Costa Rica’s program of payments for environmental services (PSA), which was established in the late 1990s. Payments are given to private landowners who own land in forest areas in recognition of the ecosystem services their land provides.


Towards an integrated sustainable management of fisheries

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EfD Authors:

This article discusses the underlying causes for the problem of managing fish stocks and the
aim of fisheries management.It reviews some of the research development in the area and practical experiences. Further, it deals with the future challenges and discusses potential successful strategies and outlines the necessary conditions for actual progress from the current state.
