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Displaying 1 - 10 of 95 publications

Abstract This paper examines the economic value of marine and coastal ecosystem services by analyzing 67 studies published in scientific literature. It appraises, collects, and analyzes economic…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract Biotransformation of organic pollutants is crucial for the dissipation of environmental pollutants. While the roles of microorganisms have been extensively studied, the significant…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Debate about what proportion of the Earth to protect often overshadows the question of how nature should be conserved and by whom. We present a systematic review and narrative synthesis of 169...

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

Abstract Tequila has a designation of origin by which it can only be produced with the blue agave (Agave tequilana Weber blue variety) grown in certain regions of Mexico. For several decades, an…

| Peer Reviewed |

Abstract The Gulf of Guinea (GoG) region in sub-Saharan Africa is a vast and diverse region stretching from Senegal to Angola, covering approximately 6000 km of coastline. It is an important shipping…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Abstract There is competition for land between Maasai pastoralists and the park agency in the Serengeti ecosystem. The park agency wants to use the land for wildlife conservation while the pastoralist…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Tanzania

The Values Assessment (VA) of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services shows that while a wide range of valuation methods exist to include nature's values…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Ocean acidification (OA) poses a threat to coral reefs by increasing the fragility of susceptible corals to physical damage. As such, the impacts of dive tourism are likely to be exacerbated under…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

We evaluate whether floods and landslides are more likely when rain falls inside versus outside protected areas (PAs).

| Peer Reviewed | Central America

Despite two decades of advancing the understanding of valuing ecosystem services, the global biodiversity crisis continues to face challenges in integrating nature's diverse values into decision…

| Peer Reviewed | India