Slunge, Daniel

Daniel Slunge, PhD, is a research fellow and the Policy Engagement Director at EfD, based at the University of Gothenburg. Daniel combines research and training with building bridges between research and policymaking.  

Research interest

Daniel’s research focuses on the analysis of policy instruments, economic valuation, risk perception, and how different assessment methods can contribute to decisions for more sustainable development. His research is mainly applied and covers topics such as policy instruments to reduce chemical pollution in a circular economy, evaluation of EU chemical policy, risk perceptions and protective behavior to vector-borne diseases in the light of climate change, and social acceptance of a green transition.  Daniel is an active member of EfD’s collaborative research programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Emission Pricing for Development.


Daniel teaches at the doctoral level on Research-Policy Interaction and Risk Analysis and at masters level on Sustainability Assessments and environmental policy instruments. He is also involved in training programs for professionals including Policies for Climate Action and Circular Economy and the Inclusive Green Economy program.

Grants and consultancy

Daniel has participated as an expert in the Swedish public inquiries on taxes on chemicals in clothing and footwear (SOU 2020:20) as well as Future chemical risk management (SOU 2019:45). He has written commissioned reports for OECD, the World Bank, UNEP, UNDP, the Swedish EPA, Sida, and the Swedish Expert Group for aid-studies.

Policy Engagement

Daniel has extensive experience in policy engagement in Sweden, Europe, and internationally. He has collaborated with governmental agencies in East Africa and Latin America and international organizations such as the World Bank, OECD, UNDP, and UNEP.

He also leads the development of methodologies and training programs to strengthen EfD’s policy engagement capacity and impact. Daniel is also the initiator and convenor of the EfD Policy Impact Award.

People | 23 November 2010