EfD fellow leads Costa Rican negotiating team at COP15

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Research Fellow Alvaro Umaña is the Head and Political Coordinator of the Costa Rican Negotiating Team at Copenhagen.

Dr. Alvaro Umaña, Research Fellow at EfD Central America, was designated as Head and Political Coordinator of the Costa Rican Negotiating Team for the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP15), Denmark, 7-18 December 18, 2009.

In his own words yesterday, December 1st, after the presentation of the Negotiating Team to press, he said:

To trade or Not to Trade: A Firm-Level Analysis of Emissions Trading in Santiago, Chile

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The authors surveyed firms participating in emissions trading programs in Santiago, Chile, to explore further whether tradable permits are appropriate for transition and developing economies. Their survey information revealed serious implementation and design flaws in Chile’s trading, but they are not more severe than the EU or U.S. systems. Countries with similar income levels and institutional maturity as Chile should be able to develop well-functioning permit trading schemes.


Policy Design

Fuel Tax Incidence in Developing Countries: The Case of Costa Rica

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Although fuel taxes are a practical means of curbing vehicular air pollution, congestion, and accidents in developing countries—all of which are typically major problems—they are often opposed on distributional grounds.


Policy Design, Carbon Pricing

Taxes, Permits, and the Adoption of Abatement Technology under Imperfect Compliance

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The authors analyze how price-based and quantity-based emissions regulations affect compliance incentives and social welfare with incomplete enforcement and technology adoption.

Policy Design

Rendición de cuentas y participación comunitaria en la provisión de agua potable (Spanish only)

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EfD Authors:

La efectividad de una política de descentralización depende de muchos factores y no puede ser concebida como una panacea para solventar los problemas de provisión de agua potable en todos los contextos.

Policy Design

Essays on the Political Economy of Transport Regulation in Costa Rica

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The general objective of the thesis is to analyze the political economy of the regulation of Costa Rica’s transport sector and identify the main opportunities and challenges in designing a more integrated regulatory approach for the sector.

Policy Design

Distributional equity of fuel tax in Costa Rica

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Perhaps current prices of fossil fuels are the reflection of the hurricane's eye passing through the global markets. Before exorbitant oil prices again steal all the attention, it is important to analyze our policies on public and private transport management in general. And in particular fuel tax policies, which is here discussed by Francisco Alpizar, Rebecca Osakwe and Allen Blackman.

Equidad distributiva del impuesto a los combustibles en Costa Rica

by Francisco Alpizar, Rebecca Osakwe and Allen Blackman (Spanish only)

Energy, Policy Design