“Governance of the R&D Sector for Bio-Technology: Intellectual Property Rights and Bio-Prospecting”

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EfD Authors:

The efficient governance of information-production is analysed in the context of the bio-technology industry. Here primary R&D generates pure abstract information on the nature of biological solution concepts, while secondary R&D generates commercial products marketable to consumers.

Policy Design

Effects of Global Fisheries on Developing Countries: Possibilities for Income and Threat of Depletion

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Fisheries in developing countries are often characterized by poorly defined property rights, open access, and overcapitalization. The authors explore how trade liberalization generally is beneficial, but combining it with open access may reduce a country’s welfare and fish stocks, especially when reinforced by bad subsidies.

Trade liberalization may also promote development of property rights in response to increased fish exploitation. The WTO can help facilitate trade by reclassifying subsidies to eliminate bad ones and distinguish good ones.



Forestland Reform in China: What Do the Farmers Want? A Choice Experiment on Farmers' Property Rights Preferences

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With decentralization experiments occurring in the Chinese forestry sector, the authors used a survey-based choice experiment to investigate farmers’ preferences for various property-rights attributes of a forestland contract.


Rural Livelihoods, Poverty,and the Millennium Development Goals: Evidence from Ethiopian Survey Data

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This in-depth look at key development issues facing Ethiopian households in context of the Millenium Development Goals uses survey data from 2000, 2002, and 2005. Ethiopia is making progress, but household incomes are shockingly low and hugely varied. Assets could potentially help smooth consumption, but the current property rights structure where land is owned by the government excessively limits households' options and makes it impossible for land to serve as a true, functioning asset.


Policy Design

Fast Track Land Reform, Tenure Security, and Investments in Zimbabwe

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EfD Authors:

There is evidence that the Fast Track Land Reform Program created insecurity among its beneficiaries and adversely impacted investments in soil conservation. However, households in the study that believed investing in land enhanced tenure security invested significantly more in soil conservation measures than other households.


Agriculture, Policy Design

Towards an integrated sustainable management of fisheries

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EfD Authors:

This article discusses the underlying causes for the problem of managing fish stocks and the
aim of fisheries management.It reviews some of the research development in the area and practical experiences. Further, it deals with the future challenges and discusses potential successful strategies and outlines the necessary conditions for actual progress from the current state.
