Use of Anthropometric Measures to Analyze How Sources of Water and Sanitation Affect Children’s Health in Nigeria

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We used 2008 DHS data sets to construct child height- and weight-for-age Z-scores and used regression analysis to analyze the effects of different sources of drinking water and sanitation on child health outcomes in Nigeria. We also calculated the probability of a child being stunted or underweight as our measure of malnutrition among children aged 0–59 months.

Policy Design

Rural Livelihoods, Poverty,and the Millennium Development Goals: Evidence from Ethiopian Survey Data

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This in-depth look at key development issues facing Ethiopian households in context of the Millenium Development Goals uses survey data from 2000, 2002, and 2005. Ethiopia is making progress, but household incomes are shockingly low and hugely varied. Assets could potentially help smooth consumption, but the current property rights structure where land is owned by the government excessively limits households' options and makes it impossible for land to serve as a true, functioning asset.


Policy Design

Economic valuation for sustainable development in the Swedish coastal zone

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EfD Authors:

The Swedish coastal zone is a scene of conflicting interests
about various goods and services provided by nature.
Open-access conditions and the public nature of
many services increase the difficulty in resolving these

Climate Change