The role of tourism employment in poverty reduction and community perceptions of conservation and tourism in southern Africa

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The study assesses the role played by high-end ecotourism at study sites in Malawi, Botswana and Namibia.

Analysis of dependency ratios, household income and social welfare impacts in the study indicate that rural communities are moving towards a heavier reliance on the market economy in the form of ecotourism operations. Analysis of the impact of employment on an appreciation of conservation and tourism also shows a positive relationship, though education was shown to play an even greater role.

Policy Design

Ex Post Evaluation of Forest Conservation Policies Using Remote Sensing Data: An Introduction and Practical Guide

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EfD Authors:

Rigorous, objective evaluation of forest conservation policies in developing countries is needed to ensure that the limited financial, human, and political resources devoted to these policies are put to good use. Yet such evaluations remain uncommon.


Payments for Ecological Services and Eco-Compensation: Practices and Innovations in the People's Republic of China

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Policy makers in the People's Republic of China have been experimenting with new approaches to environmental management, resulting in a wide array of policy and program innovations under the broad heading of eco-compensation.

Policy Design

Valuing the Health Risks of Particulate Air Pollution in the Pearl River Delta, China

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The Pearl River Delta (PRD) in Southern China is a region where the manufacturing industry is rapidly developing, accounting for about 10% of the gross domestic product (GDP) with 4% of China’s population.


Controlling Local Environmental Performance: an analysis of three national environmental management programs in the context of regional disparities in China

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EfD Authors:

Whether government has the political will and capacity to control pollution is crucial for environmental outcomes. A vast country such as China, with centralized policymaking but idiosyncratic local implementation of environmental regulations and drastic regional disparities in wealth, raises the question how does the central government stimulate local environmental commitment to accommodate such diversity?

Policy Design

Conserve or convert? Pan-tropical modeling of REDD–bioenergy competition

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EfD Authors:

The land competition between tropical bioenergy plantations and payments for forest carbon conservation (e.g., through an international scheme for Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, REDD+) is modeled using spatially explicit data on biofuel feedstock (oil palm and sugar cane) suitability and forest biomass carbon stocks.

Forestry, Policy Design

Land Cover Change in Agroforestry: Shade Coffee in El Salvador

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Little is known about land cover change in agroforestry systems, which often supply valuable ecological services. We use a spatial regression model to analyze clearing in El Salvador’s shade coffee–growing regions during the 1990s.


Private Trees as Household Assets and Determinants of Tree-Growing Behavior in Rural Ethiopia

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This study looked into tree-growing behavior of rural households in Ethiopia. With data collected at household and parcel levels from the four major regions of Ethiopia, we analyzed the decision to grow trees and the number of trees grown, using such econometric strategies as a zero-inflated negative binomial model, Heckman’s two-step procedure, and panel data techniques.

Agriculture, Forestry, Policy Design