Assessment of the Potential Biomass Supply from Crop Residues in China

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

Using a mathematical programming model, this study estimates the potential biomass supply from crop residues in China at various exogenously-given biomass prices and identified the areas that are likely to produce crop residues. The analysis indicated that China can potentially produce about 153.0-244.2 million dry metric tons of crop residues per year when biomass prices are larger than $90 per metric ton.


Collective rights in artisanal fisheries and the trade-offs in fisheries policies: An analysis of distributive policies

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

The potential effects of a redistributive fishing quota policy on the profits and employment of the artisanal fisher organizations is analyzed within a multi-objective programming model.


Trade and resources: Welfare effects of the Lake Victoria fisheries boom

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

We examine the welfare implications of the Tanzanian fisheries boom resulting from Lake Victoria Nile perch exports during 1993–2008. In the literature, there are two opposing views on the effect of fish trade: some argue that fish trade can act as an engine of growth, while others contend that trade in fish negatively affects food security, local economies and incomes of the poor.


Using Taxes to Deter Illegal Fishing in ITQ Systems

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This paper studies the effects of different tax schemes used in fishery management in combination with an Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) system. It focuses on the effects of taxes on equilibrium quota prices and violations under the assumption that enforcement to induce compliance is imperfect and costly. The use of taxes is motivated by the regulator’s need to recover costs for enforcement activities.


Who Should Set the Total Allowable Catch? Social Preferences and Legitimacy in Fisheries Management Institutions

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

We develop a decision making model based on constraints that are typically encountered in fisheries management when setting the total allowable quota. The model allows us to assess the differences in outcomes when the decision is made by different management institutions under uncertain conditions.


Assessing Stakeholder Adaptive Capacity to Salmon Aquaculture in Norway

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

This paper explores the socio-ecological effects of increased aquaculture/farmed fish production, around the island group of Frøya in Trøndelag, Norway, as a result of new licenses accorded to the industry. This is investigated from a stakeholder perspective by assessing the adaptive capacity of selected stakeholder groups through workshops combining Scenario Analysis, Systems Thinking and Bayesian Belief Network and by developing conceptual frameworks and structural diagrams that visualize the perceived effects of the industry on the given stakeholder system.


Estimating present and future profits within the Namibian hake industry: a bio-economic analysis

Submitted by Byela Tibesigwa on
EfD Authors:

Namibia's fishing industry is managed using a system of fishing rights and individual fishing quotas. This property rights system was intended to encourage the local fishing industry to exploit the resource responsibly. Unfortunately, unintended perverse incentives have promoted induced overcapacity and inefficient use of vessels. In combination with inconsistent quota allocations, the result has been persistent pressure on the already depleted biological resource. This paper uses a bio-economic model to estimate actual and potential profits in Namibia's hake fishery.


Livelihoods & incentives towards regulations for protecting turtles: Empirical evidence from Nicaragua

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

Marine turtles are a flagship species for conservation because of their ecological role in marine ecosystems as well as the existence value that humans attach to them. Despite the legal ban on turtle egg harvesting, poaching and consumption are very common in Nicaragua. 


Spatial decisions and livelihoods of small-scale fisheries in Costa Rica

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

Small-scale fishing constitutes the main source of marine products and a central component of local livelihoods for poor families in coastal areas of Costa Rica. This country has been defining marine reserves, and fishermen are believed to be amongst the most prominent opponents of such policies, given the potential costs that entails the lost access of fishing areas of traditional use. However, it seems that this potential economic impact would depend on the livelihoods diversification, and the spatial definition of closures, among others.


Survival analysis of the effect ISA virus in exports of Atlantic salmon in Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on
EfD Authors:

We analyzed the reduction in exportation levels of the enterprises which have been working with the Chilean Atlantic Salmon, following the outbreak of ISA virus (ISAv) in 2007. We used a Duration Econometric Model for assessing the risk and survival of the enterprises. Also were determined the factors that explained the reduction of exportation levels, through the Proportional Risk Weibull Model. The results shows that the enterprises affected with ISAv have greater probability of decreasing their exportations.
