Análisis Cualitativo de Sinergias entre Estrategias de Protección Social y de Desarrollo Productivo: El Papel de la Estrategia Unidos y Familias en Acción en el Marco del Programa Familias en su Tierra (Qualitative Analysis of Synergies Between Social Pro

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

English Abstract: This document presents the qualitative analysis of complementarities and synergies between the social protection programs Estrategia Unidos and Familias en Acción, and the productive inclusion program, Familias en Su Tierra, all of them designed and implemented in Colombia by Prosperidad Social. This study is part of the “Improving articulation between rural development and social protection programs” project, funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Policy Design

The Graduation approach for the reduction of extreme poverty: impact evaluation of Sembrando Oportunidades Familia por Familia in Paraguay.

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Rural poverty, a widespread problem for the Paraguayan government over the last decade – as well as for other economies in the region – , led to the implementation, in 2016 and 2017, of the “Sembrando Oportunidades Familia por Familia” pilot program, an initiative based on the graduation approach to reduce the incidence of extreme poverty in rural areas. Evaluating the intervention results is essential to understand the effectiveness of this approach in reducing poverty in the Paraguayan context, where the government is in charge of its implementation.

Policy Design

Does exclusion matter in conservation agreements? A case of mangrove users in the Ecuadorian coast using participatory choice experiments.

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Payments for environmental services (PES) constitute a growing approach to achieve the sustainability of ecosystems and the benefits they provide to people. However, informal tenure and lack of capacity to enforce property rights impede implementation of PES initiatives. Such challenges are common for local communities in coastal and marine areas who overexploit Common-Pool Resources (CPR) under open access. Assigning property rights to organized users has been implemented as a solution, transforming a public good into a club good.


Principios y valores constitucionales como marco de comprensión para la formación en competencias ciudadanas en Colombia a propósito de las pruebas Saber Pro

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

El objetivo del presente artículo es proponer una reflexión que contribuya a una mejor y más precisa comprensión de lo que implica la formación en competencias ciudadanas según lo evaluado en las Pruebas Saber. En la primera sección se reflexionará en torno a la función primordial en el orden axiológico político que tienen los valores y los principios constitucionales en la Carta política colombiana. En la segunda, se expondrán los diversos valores y principios constitucionales que deben servir de piso conceptual para el ejercicio pleno de la ciudadanía democrática.

Policy Design

Opportunities and Challenges for Inclusively Framing Water Research

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

In S. Lele, S. Brondizio, J. Byrne, G. Mace, J. Martinez-Alier (Eds.), Rethinking environmentalism: linking justice, sustainability and diversity. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp.251-286.



Desigualdad Económica Y Participación En Organizaciones Sociales En Colombia (On the Consequences of Inequality: Civic Engagement in Colombia).

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Este artículo estudia cómo la desigualdad afecta la participación de los individuos en organizaciones cívicas, si este efecto persiste con el tiempo y qué mecanismos pueden moldear esta relación. Los resultados muestran que la desigualdad en Colombia está asociada con aumentos en la participación individual en organizaciones políticas, incluido un aumento en la afiliación, asistencia a reuniones y en asumir roles de liderazgo.

Policy Design

A more dynamic understanding of human behaviour for the Anthropocene

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Human behaviour is of profound significance in shaping pathways towards sustainability. Yet, the approach to understanding human behaviour in many fields remains reliant on overly simplistic models. For a better understanding of the interface between human behaviour and sustainability, we take work in behavioural economics and cognitive psychology as a starting point, but argue for an expansion of this work by adopting a more dynamic and systemic understanding of human behaviour, that is, as part of complex adaptive systems.


Is Collective Titling Enough to Protect Forests? Evidence from Afro-Descendant Communities in the Colombian Pacific Region

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

During the mid-1990s, one of the most ambitious land reforms in recent decades took place in Colombia. The reform recognized collective land rights of 5 million hectares by Afro-Colombian groups, with the dual goals of improving livelihoods and preserving valuable ecosystems. We estimate the impact of this collective land titling program on forest cover using panel data and a difference-in-difference empirical strategy. We find that overall, collective titling significantly reduces deforestation rates, but the effect varies substantially by sub-region.


Los Legados Del Conflicto Armado Sobre La Capacidad De Los Hogares Para Mitigar Los Choques Económicos Negativos: Evidencia Para Colombia (The Effects of Wartime Institutions on Households Ability to Cope with Shocks: Evidence for Colombia)

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

English Abstract: This paper studies the legacies of wartime institutions, measured as rebelocracy, on the ability of households to cope with negative income shocks. Rebelocracy is the social order established by non-state armed actors (NSAAs) in the communities they control (Arjona, 2016). By providing public goods and a predictable framework within which to operate, rebelocracy may generate incentives for households to expand production and accumulate wealth, placing them in a higher income trajectory than households living in war zones amid violence and chaos.

Policy Design