Land tenure security and forest cover in the Colombian Amazon

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Land tenure security (LTS) is important for achieving many sustainable development goals but its influence on forest cover is mixed. The uncertain relationship between LTS and forests is driven, in part, by the moderating influence of other drivers of deforestation. In this paper we illustrate this complex relationship between LTS and forest cover for individual private landholders in the Colombian Amazon. We use household surveys and econometric analysis with matching techniques to examine whether formal land titles and perceptions of LTS influence forest cover.

Forestry, Policy Design

Policy instruments to achieve cleaner cooking practices - experiences and cross-country learning from the East African region

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Transformation towards an inclusive green economy is one of the prerequisites for achieving the sustainable development goals in Agenda 2030. 

Energy, Health, Land, Policy Design, Urban

Remittance from migrants reinforces forest recovery for China’s reforestation policy

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on
EfD Authors:

Forests play a key role in the mitigation of global warming and provide many other vital ecosystem goods and services. However, as forest continues to vanish at an alarming rate from the surface of the planet, the world desperately needs knowledge on what contributes to forest preservation and restoration. Migration, a hallmark of globalization, is widely recognized as a main driver of forest recovery and poverty alleviation.


Economics of conserving endangered birds: the case for Gyps vultures in India

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

The widespread use of diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, in livestock has caused a drastic decline in Gyps vulture populations across South Asia. This loss disrupted scavenging services, leading to a rise in feral dog populations and associated health risks for humans and wildlife, as well as increased public spending to manage livestock carcasses. In response, government-funded carcass-rendering plants have been set up to replace these lost services.
