

The vision of REES is to be recognized as one of the main research centers in Colombia that will be aligned with national and international needs on sustainable development and environment, being a mentoring group for:

a) Learning in environmental and applied economics of bachelor, master, and Ph.D. students.

b) Stimulating research ideas that become concrete, solid, and robust policy-relevant research projects.

Visualizations in Economics

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Visual artists and graphic designers have rarely communicated with economists. Yet much of applied economics involves comparisons of states of the world that ought to be imagined. Through a simple case study, we discuss methods used in economics to value individual preferences over the environment, and the use of visualizations in these exercises. We pinpoint that it is time for economists to start a constructive dialogue with artists in general and visual artists in particular.


Costos Económicos de las Externalidades Ambientales del fracking: un análisis de metaregresión y algunas implicaciones para Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

La cuantificación monetaria de las externalidades ambientales derivadas de la explotación de hidrocarburos no convencionales que utiliza la técnica de fracturación hidráulica o fracking muestra una alta variabilidad pues sus costos no están unívocamente determinados. En este documento desarrollamos un análisis de metarregresión sobre los posibles efectos económicos atribuibles a la proximidad de entornos que puedan verse afectados ambientalmente por el fracking.


Negative leakage: The key role of forest management regimes

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

A model of two regions with a common wood market is introduced. Regions may be of two types, according to their forest management regime, namely managed forest plantations (M) and unmanaged open access forests (U). It is found that when regions are of the same type, unilateral climate policy in the forestry sector leads to (positive) carbon leakage. However, when regions are of different types, unilateral climate policy results in negative carbon leakage.
