Displaying 2851 - 2860 of 3643 publications

Economic growth has multiplied the environmental challenges faced by the People's Republic of China but has also created opportunities, by increasing available funding for environmental management and…

| Report | China

The article examines the characteristics, motivation factors and impacts of seasonal migration in Ethiopia. The study was underpinned by the Sustainable Livelihood Framework. Both urban and rural…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

This paper investigates the opportunities for reducing the pressure of urban centers on rural forest areas, using a dataset of 350 urban households in Tigrai in northern Ethiopia. We applied an almost…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

This study is an attempt to quantify the actual and expected contribution of irrigation to the Ethiopian economy for 2005/06 and 2009/10 cropping seasons using adjusted net gross margin analysis…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

Using a choice experiment, we investigated preferences for distributing the economic burden of decreasing CO2 emissions in the two largest CO2-emitting countries: the United States and China. We asked…

| Discussion Paper | China, Sweden

This paper develops a measure of the contribution of biodiversity in enhancing ecosystem performance that is subject to environmental fluctuation. The analysis draws from an ecological model that…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

After two decades of agricultural-led development strategies since the early 1990s, economic growth has been erratic, land degradation has worsened, and the country has failed to enjoy significant…

| Other Publications | Ethiopia

A review by the CO2Scorecard Group has revealed substantial discrepancies between the top publicly available global databases of CO2 emissions. Differing methodologies and the use of back-end data…

| Policy Brief | Sweden

Hypothetical bias is one of the main issues bedeviling the field of nonmarket valuation. The general criticism is that survey responses reflect how people would like to behave, rather than how they…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China, Sweden

In the past two decades, China has achieved impressive economic growth with an annual growth rate of about 10%. Meanwhile, the scale and seriousness of environmental problems are clearly evident…

| Peer Reviewed | China