Displaying 2861 - 2870 of 3643 publications

The design of a sensor-placement scheme capable of detecting all possible contamination events for a water distribution system before consumers are put at risk is essentially impossible given current…

| Peer Reviewed | China

The following policy recommendation is provided based on the research findings of this project. (1) Water pricing policy reform can be regarded as a macro level economic reform instrument. It can…

| Policy Brief | China

Near ground ozone pollution has become one of the most challenging air pollution problems in Beijing, and as the rapid development of economy and urbanization in Beijing and surrounding areas, the…

| Policy Brief | China

With the rapid social and economic development, the vehicle population in China has been growing fast in recent years, especially the population of private car in big cities. As the rapid growth in…

| Policy Brief | China

In previous research, a deliberative process for integrating stakeholder perspectives in the ranking of risks was introduced and empirically tested with lay groups composed predominantly of Americans…

| Policy Brief | China

One of the policy goals motivating programs to increase renewable energy investment is that renewable electric generation will help reduce emissions of CO2 as well as emissions of conventional…

| Policy Brief | China

Climate change has brought issues of deforestation and forest land governance to the forefront. It is now widely accepted that deforestation and must be addressed in order to effectively reduce…

| Discussion Paper | China

(Submitted to State Forest Administration, PR.China) Abstract: China’s state-owned forest sector has been through and still facing with great challenges for a long period. Since 1986, the State…

| Policy Brief | China

Submitted to Australia Centre for International Agricultural Research, (ACIA)) Abstract: This article focuses on the program of Ecological Afforestation on barren lands, degraded arable lands…

| Report | China

This paper presents an empirical study of schooling attendance and collection of environmental resources using cross-sectional data from the Kiambu District of Kenya. Because the decision to collect…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Kenya