Displaying 2981 - 2990 of 3650 publications

The authors analyze how price-based and quantity-based emissions regulations affect compliance incentives and social welfare with incomplete enforcement and technology adoption. If the policy level is…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Central America, Sweden

Knowing the local opportunity costs of restricting access to forest land and resources for conservation purposes is an important input to the design of cost-effective conservation schemes that…

| Policy Brief | Kenya

Poor Kenyan farmers in rain-fed, risky environments are reluctant to adopt new technologies with potential production gain because of enormous downside risks. The authors looked at the effects of…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Kenya

Studies have shown differences in cooperative behavior across countries and in the use of (and reaction to) a norm enforcement mechanism in cross-cultural studies. The authors present data that prove…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, South Africa

Many resource users are not involved in formulating and enforcement of resource management regulations in developing countries and do not generally accept such rules. Enforcement officers who have…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Tanzania

Many resource users are not involved in formulating and enforcement of resource management regulations in developing countries and do not generally accept such rules. Enforcement officers who have…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, Tanzania

Risk implications of farm technology adoption vary by technology type. If properly implemented, the safety net program and the weather insurance programs currently piloted in some parts of Ethiopia…

| Policy Brief | Kenya, Global Hub

"The contribution of sustainable agriculture and land management to sustainable development" - This brief discusses the potential for sustainable agriculture to contribute towards sustainable…

| Policy Brief | Sweden, Ethiopia

The choices of transport that households make are important in determining the type of fuel taxes. Many countries in the developing world have in the recent past witnessed an increasing vehicular…

| Book Chapter, Books | Kenya

This paper investigates whether South African households and small businesses can take advantage of the country's substantial wind resources to produce their own power from small- scale wind turbines…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa