Estimating the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Low-Income Countries: Household Level Evidence from the Nile Basin, Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the impact of climate change on agriculture in a typical developing country. The economic implications of climate change are estimated by using both a farm productivity and a Ricardian framework.

Agriculture, Climate Change

China’s environmental challenges going rural and west

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

China is increasingly suffering from ‘growing pains’ of severe environmental challenges arising during the past decades’ economic boom (Fu et al, 2007; Liu and Diamond, 2008). While this has been widely discussed, more attention and effort has been focused on the problems directly resulting from urbanization and industrialization, such as growing greenhouse gas emissions and worsening urban air and water quality

Climate Change

Discounting: Unbalanced Growth, Uncertainty, and Spatial Considerations

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The economics of climate change and the various measures that should be implemented to reduce future damages are highly tied to the use of cost-benefit analysis. Traditional approaches ignore the fact that environmental amenities do not experience the same growth rate as do most of the sectors in the economy, which leads to changing relative prices. Uncertainty should also be considered, especially when one is conducting cost-benefit analysis involving the long-run damages from climate change.

Climate Change

Payments for environmental services in Costa Rica: from Rio to Rio and beyond

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Costa Rica has shown how a small developing country can reverse environmental degradation and one of the highest deforestation rates in Latin America. Key to its achievement has been the country’s PES programme, which began in 1997 and which many countries are now looking to learn from, especially as water markets and schemes to reward forest conservation and reduced deforestation (REDD+) grow.


Climate Change, Policy Design

Synergies and Trade-offs between Climate and Local Air Pollution: Policies in Sweden

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In this paper, we explore the synergies and tradeoffs between abatement of global and local pollution. We built a unique dataset of Swedish heat and power plants with detailed boiler-level data 2001-2009 on not only production and inputs but also emissions of CO2 and NOx.

Climate Change, Policy Design

How Should Support for Climate-Friendly Technologies Be Designed?

Submitted by admin on

Stabilizing global greenhouse gas concentrations at levels to avoid significant climate risks will require massive ‘‘decarbonization’’ of all the major economies over the next few decades, in addition to the reduced emissions from other GHGs and carbon sequestration. Achieving the necessary scale of emissions reductions will require a multifaceted policy effort to support a broad array of technological and behavioral changes. Change on this scale will require sound, well-thought-out strategies.

Climate Change, Policy Design