Spatial Variation of Emissions Impacts Due to Renewable Energy Siting Decisions in the Western U.S. under High-renewable Penetration Scenarios

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EfD Authors:

One of the policy goals motivating programs to increase renewable energy investment is that renewable electric generation will help reduce emissions of CO2 as well as emissions of conventional pollutants (e.g., SO2 and NOx).


Are experienced people affected by a pre-set default option—Results from a field experiment

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The objective of the present paper is to investigate the robustness of the well-known result that pre-set default options determine people’s choices. We do so by conducting a field experiment among environmental economists attending a large international conference on environmental economics.

Climate Change, Policy Design, Experiments

Short-Run Allocation of Emissions Allowances and Long-Term Goals for Climate Policy

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We use economic analysis to evaluate grandfathering, auctioning, and benchmarking approaches for allocation of emissions allowances and then discuss practical experience from European and American schemes.

Climate Change, Policy Design

Green Growth in the Post-Copenhagen Climate Energy Policy

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Global climate change stands out from most environmental problems because it will span generations and force us to think in new ways about intergenerational fairness. It involves the delicate problem of complex coordination between countries on a truly global scale. As long as fossil fuels are too cheap, climate change policy will engage all major economies.

Climate Change, Policy Design

Reconnecting to the Biosphere

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EfD Authors:

Humanity has emerged as a major force in the operation of the biosphere, with a significant imprint on the Earth System, challenging social–ecological resilience. This new situation calls for a fundamental shift in perspectives, world views, and institutions. Human development and progress must be reconnected to the capacity of the biosphere and essential ecosystem services to be sustained.

Experiments, Climate Change, Policy Design

Distributional effects of taxing transport fuel

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

This paper takes as its starting point the observation that fuel prices – and thus taxes – are important for good management of climate change and other environmental problems. To economists this should be no surprise yet it seems that the role of fuel taxation as an instrument of climate policy has not been fully appreciated. It is however one of the few policy instruments that, since several decades, has actually reduced fuel consumption appreciably.

Climate Change, Policy Design

The role safety nets as part of adaptation strategies to climate change in Central America

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Studying collective responses to extreme climatic events is fundamental in the design of adaptation strategies in developing countries

In a climate change context, social safety nets (SSNs) are mechanisms to outspread support to those that have been adversely affected by extreme weather events. These interactions shaped by the government, communities, organized groups, or families are a key component of strategies to minimize expected losses from climate change.

Climate Change, Policy Design

The future of oil in a carbon constrained world

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Global climate is changing. This fact is supported by robust scientific evidence, and there is no real doubt that the main reason is the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere caused by human activity, primarily related to the combustion of fossil fuels.

Climate Change

Treatment effects of Climate Change risk on mitigation and adaptation behaviour in an experimental setting

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The authors studied the potential tradeoff between countries’ investments in mitigation versus adaptation to climate change. Mitigating greenhouse gases may be a public good, but adaptation to climate change is a private good, benefiting only the country or individual.

Experiments, Climate Change