The impact of infrastructure shocks on agricultural markets. Evidence from the Zambezi river in Mozambique

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Prior to 2009, there was no direct road connection between the southern regions of Mozambique—where the capital city is located—and the more agriculturally-productive central and northern regions. In this paper, we leverage the opening of a major road bridge to identify the impact of enhanced domestic transport infrastructure on agricultural market performance. We apply a generalized difference-in-difference estimator within a dyadic regression context.


Managing and Defending the Commons: Experimental Evidence from TURFs in Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

This work presents the results of framed field experiments designed to study the joint problem of managing harvests from a common pool resource and protecting the resource from poaching. The experiments were conducted both in the field with TURF users and in the lab with university students. Our study has two objectives. First, we designed our experiments to study the effects of poaching on the ability of common pool resource users to coordinate their harvests when encroachment by outsiders is unrestricted and when the government provides weak enforcement.

Experiments, Fisheries

EfD Stories Chile- 2017

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

Economists review Chile’s seaweed farming subsidy policy

by Miguel Quiroga

The high cost of starting up seaweed cultivation projects along the Chilean coastline is the main hurdle to the aquaculture industry restoring areas where this key marine resource has been heavily harvested. The productivity of farmed seaweed areas also varies greatly between aquaculture sites, which further threatens the financial viability of projects that are geared towards shoring up coastal livelihoods and supporting marine conservation.


Stakeholder perceptions of enhancement opportunities in the Chilean small and medium scale mussel aquaculture industry

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

The Chilean mussel aquaculture industry is a prime example of a thriving industry.  However, the industry growth rate, aquaculture concessions and market prices have stabilized signaling a shift in the industry from exponential growth to, if handled correctly, economic stability.  Here we used perception research, an efficient tool to inform on the implementation of management strategies, to provide policy makers with the tools necessary for the development of strategies that will aid in the sustainability of the industry through its current shift.  We assessed the perception


Functional forms and price elasticities in a discrete continuous choice model of the residential water demand

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

During recent decades, water demand estimation has gained considerable attention from scholars.  From an econometric perspective, the most used functional forms include log-log and linear specifications.  Despite the advances in this field and the relevance for policymaking, little attention has been paid to the functional forms used in these estimations, and most authors have not provided justifications for their selection of functional forms.  A discrete continuous choice model of the residential water demand is estimated using six functional forms (log-log, full-log, log q


Distributional impacts of climate change on basin communities: an integrated modeling approach.

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Agriculture is one of the most vulnerable economic sectors to the impacts of climate change, specifically those related with expected changes in water availability.  By using a hydro-economic model, this study assesses the distributional impacts of climate change, considering the geographical location of each farmer’s community and the spatial allocation of water resources at basin scale.  A hydrological model, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model, describes the basin hydrology, while farmers’ economic responses are represented using a non-linear agricultural supply model.&nbs

Climate Change, Water

Is Participation in Social Organizations an Alternative to Improve Household Economic Welfare in Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

This research aims to find the determinants of participation on social organizations in Chile through a social capital approach, as well as to evaluate the existence of a positive effect between participation and household welfare. In the case of economic and local organizations several regressions for participation and income were run.

Policy Design

Valuing a water recreation facility using semi parametric estimators in the travel cost method

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

The goal of this research is to estimate, using semi parametric (SNP) techniques, the recreational benefits related to one strategic ecosystem of high moors in Colombia. This technique was used during the travel cost method estimation process due to its flexibility. The chosen SNP technique corresponded to the Fourier flexible form, adjusting a Poisson model, such that the truncation and endogenous stratification biases in the data base could be taken into account.


Participation in Organizations, Technical Efficiency and Territorial Differences: A Study of Small Wheat Farmers in Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

The lack of efficient individual solutions for small farmers either in the market or through the State has resulted in a search for collective spaces to strengthen their productive capacities, where participation in organizations emerges as a relevant factor to obtain higher efficiency levels.
