Distributional impacts of climate change on basin communities: an integrated modeling approach.

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Agriculture is one of the most vulnerable economic sectors to the impacts of climate change, specifically those related with expected changes in water availability.  By using a hydro-economic model, this study assesses the distributional impacts of climate change, considering the geographical location of each farmer’s community and the spatial allocation of water resources at basin scale.  A hydrological model, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model, describes the basin hydrology, while farmers’ economic responses are represented using a non-linear agricultural supply model.&nbs

Climate Change, Water

Importance of Irrigated Agriculture to the Ethiopian Economy: Capturing the direct net benefits of irrigation

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Irrigation development has been identified as an important tool to stimulate economic growth and rural development, and is considered as a cornerstone of food security and poverty reduction in Ethiopia. While a lot of effort is being exerted towards irrigation development, little attempt is being made to quantify the contribution of irrigation to national income.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Pathways to breaking the poverty trap in Ethiopia: Investments in agricultural water, education, and markets

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EfD Authors:

Investments in agricultural water management should complement or strengthen the livelihood and coping systems of the rural poor, and should thus be instrumental for breaking the poverty trap in Ethiopia.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Reducing poverty in sub- Saharan Africa through investments in water and other priorities

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EfD Authors:

Water resources are essential to human development processes and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals that seek, inter alia, to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal literacy, and ensure environmental sustainability.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Institutional Analysis of Water Management on Communal Irrigation Systems in Ethiopia

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EfD Authors:

This study analyses the institutional and organizational arrangements of irrigation water management and identifies the determinants of collective action and its effectiveness in managing communal irrigation schemes in the districts of Atsbi Wemberta (Tigray region) and Ada’a (Oromiya region), Ethiopia. Results are ....

Agriculture, Policy Design