Weather shocks and cropland decisions in rural Mozambique

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Economic development in low income settings is often associated with an expansion of higher-value agricultural activities. Since these activities often bring new risks, an understanding of cropland decisions and how these interact with shocks is valuable. This paper uses data from Mozambique to examine the effect of weather shocks on cropland decisions. We account for the bounded nature of land shares and estimate a Pooled Fractional Probit model for panel data. Our results show that crop choice is sensitive to past weather shocks.

Agriculture, Climate Change

Share Contract Choices and Economic Performance: Empirical Evidence from the Artisanal Fisheries Sector in Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Typically, crew members in fisheries are remunerated through a share of the total revenues. However, there is little empirical evidence on the mechanisms by which revenues are distributed to labor and capital, and how these distributions affect economic performance. Under an agency problem framework, we estimate a


¿Ha contribuido el desarrollo de la salmonicultura en la Región de Los Lagos a la reducción de la pobreza rural? Una mirada empírica desde ingreso

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We analyze if poorest people in rural localities of Región de Los Lagos, Chile have benefited in terms of poverty alleviation with salmon farms establishment within 1992-2002 period.  In order to assess the impact of this event on poverty, we compare areas with and without salmon farms.  We calculate poverty rates through small area estimation models at household level and we approach through differences in differences.  Our findings suggest, that poverty decreased more in localities with salmon farms than in those who do not.  We also identify geographic distances, betw


Exploring typologies of artisanal mussel seed producers in southern Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Aquaculture is on the most dynamic food production systems in the world, with a fast expansion, especially in developing countries.  Among this sector, the Chilean mussel industry has experienced a substantial increase, turning Chile into one of the leading producers and global exporters of mussels.  Among the different links in the mussel production chain, the natural seed collection conducted by artisanal fishers of southern Chile has been a fundamental pillar for the development of the industry.  Often, this sub-sector  has been thought of as a  homogeneous group


El Niño and Fishing Location Decisions: The Chilean Straddling Jack Mackerel Fishery

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Fishery management of straddling stocks is conditional on available knowledge about relevant environmental shocks, such as El Niño events, affecting stock behavior. But knowledge of these issues is scant, particularly in developing world fisheries.


Call for Papers for the Conference “Green transformation and competitive advantage: Evidence from developing countries”

Call for Papers for the Conference “Green transformation and competitive advantage: Evidence from developing countries” German Development Institute - Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)…

Date: Monday 18 June — Tuesday 19 June, 2018