Displaying 3681 - 3690 of 3743 publications
Read María A. Naranjo' opinion article (Estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático en Costa Rica) in "La Nación" (January 28th), related to the EfD Central America Project "Small Farmers'…
| Other Publications | Central America and MexicoRead Francisco Alpizar’and Róger Madrigal’ opinion article (Algo más que construir acueductos rurales) in “La Nacion” (January 18th) associated with the EfD Central America Project: Decentralization…
| Other Publications | Central America and MexicoThe Costa Rican Regulatory Authority (ARESEP) seeks a new methodology to set the prices of electric power generation that uses renewable and alternative sources of energy. We conducted a study to…
| Other Publications | Central America and MexicoThis publication provides advice on how to approach wetland valuation studies in terms of methodological rigour, breadth and depth of the analsys, according to their application, and provides detailed…
| Books | South AfricaThis publication provides an explanation of the social benefits provided by wetlands in rural and urban areas, and a logical and straightforward way in which to quantify and compare the importance of…
| Books | South AfricaThis publication is a compilation of five wetland valuation case studies carried out on different provisioning, regulating and cultural services and at different scales in South Africa in Lesotho.
| Books | South AfricaThis publication provides a comprehensive review of the nature of the services provided by wetlands, how they are measured and valued, giving case study examples from around the world.
| Book Chapter, Books | South AfricaEl caso de los productores de café en Costa Rica El calentamiento global es una amenaza y, desde el punto de vista de los productores agrícolas, es necesario asegurar que la inversión en adaptación…
| Policy Brief | Central America and MexicoRead Francisco Alpizar’ opinion article (Política integral para el sector transporte) about an Integral Transport Policy for Costa Rica published at “La Nacion” (January 8th). (Spanish only) Además de…
| Other Publications | Central America and MexicoEconomic policies that boost profits from agroforesty, thereby creating financial incentives for land managers to favor these systems over less environmentally friendly land uses, could, in theory…
| EfD Discussion Paper | Central America and Mexico