
Climate change perceptions and adaptive responses of small-scale coffee farmers in Costa Rica

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Climate change will affect the distribution, productivity and profitability of coffee production in Central America, negatively impacting national economies and small farmer livelihoods.

Agriculture, Climate Change

On the impact of land cover change: How decreasing wild pollinators’ natural habitat affects smallholder crop production in Tanzania

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

Smallholder farms in Tanzania rely on wild pollinators, but there are drastic changes in land use which result in the reduction of wild pollinators’ natural habitat, that is, forests. Our interest is to show how this affects crop revenue of smallholder farm households

Agriculture, Conservation

Smallholders at a Crossroad: Intensify or Fall behind? Exploring Alternative Livelihood Strategies in a Globalized World.

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

The chocolate market is experiencing a wave of market differentiation thanks to the emergence of the bean‐to‐bar movement. Cacao is seeing both a rise in demand for mass markets and a process of market bifurcation into more specialized, high‐quality products for wealthy urban consumers. For the specialized market, the quality and origin of the beans are important attributes. Direct trading between chocolate makers and famers seeks to promote the conservation of rare cultivars and traditional agroforestry systems, while lifting farmers out of poverty.


Quality as a driver of sustainable agricultural value chains: The case of the relationship coffee model.

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Specialty coffee markets that recognize coffee‐quality price premiums can improve business conditions for smallholders and promote agro‐ecological practices. We studied the Relationship Coffee Model (RCM), a business model that supports long‐term partnerships between coffee buyers and smallholders based on product quality. We examined how biophysical conditions and production practices affect smallholders’ ability to participate in this model. Furthermore, we considered common unobservable variables driving growers’ participation such as farm soil quality and connection to social networks.


Climate-smart agricultural practices and welfare of rural smallholders in Ethiopia: Does planting method matter?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence on the impact of a climate-smart agricultural practice (row planting) on the welfare of rural households. Data collected from 260 households in Gubalafto woreda of Amhara region in Ethiopia were analyzed using Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and a Semi-parametric Local Instrumental Variable (LIV) version of the generalized Roy model. The results from the PSM model revealed that adoption of row planting technology has a positive and significant impact on per capita consumption and on crop income per hectare.


Guía de análisis costo beneficio. Aplicación para medidas de adaptación al cambio climático en el sector agropecuario en Uruguay

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

El objetivo de este texto es presentar una guía práctica para la evaluación ex ante de políticas y proyectos a través del método de análisis costo beneficio (ACB), en particular para su aplicación en medidas de adaptación al cambio climático en el sector agropecuario.

Agriculture, Climate Change