Climate variability and post-harvest food loss abatement technologies: evidence from rural Tanzania

Peer Reviewed
1 January 2019

Wagura Ndiritu, Simon, Ruhinduka, Remidius

This paper focuses on improved storage and preservation technologies as an adaptation strategy in response to climate change.

We also study the trade-off between improved cereal storage technologies and the preservation techniques among rural households in Tanzania. We find that climate variables significantly influence farmers’ choice of improved storage tech­nologies and preserving decisions. Using a bivariate probit model, we find that modern storage technologies and preservation measures are substitutes. Farmers can significantly reduce annual costs associated with preservation by adopting (usually long lasting) modern storage facilities.


Sustainable Development Goals
Publication reference
Wagura Ndiritu, Simon, Ruhinduka, Remidius (2019). Climate variability and post-harvest food loss abatement technologies: evidence from rural Tanzania
Publication | 16 April 2019