
Environmental Implication of Sesame Production in Tanzania: A Case Study of Kilwa District, Lindi Region

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

This paper analyses the possibilities for sustainable land use management at farm level to preserve the tropical rainforest in the Lindi region, Tanzania. It investigates the implication of agricultural production, in particular a high valued sesame production on household deforestation in Kilwa district, in Lindi region.

Agriculture, Conservation

Scenario planning for climate adaptation in agricultural systems

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Effective climate adaptation in sub-Saharan African agriculture will require coordination across multiple scales of governance. Decision-makers from local to national scales will be tasked with planning under conditions of high uncertainty, often with minimal data. Participatory scenario planning is a method for devising adaptation strategies under high uncertainty, and we hypothesized that it could also be used for identifying systemic, inclusive, and transformative adaptation options at the community scale, and for highlighting opportunities for cross-scalar collaboration.

Agriculture, Climate Change