Institutions, sustainable land use and consumer welfare: The case of forest and grazing lands in Northern Ethiopia

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Land is an essential factor of production. Institutions that govern its efficient use determine the sustainability of this essential resource. In Ethiopia all land is publicly owned. Such an institutional setting is said to have resulted in major degradation of Ethiopia’s land resources and dissipation of the resource rent. An alternative to this is assigning private property institution.



Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia: Does Agroecology Matter?

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This paper uses data from household- and plot-level surveys conducted in the highlands of the Tigray and Amhara regions of Ethiopia to examine the contribution of sustainable land-management practices to net values of agricultural production in areas with low- and high-agricultural potential.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Agricultural Investment and Productivity - Building Sustainability in East Africa

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Agricultural Investment and Productivity provides a deep and systematic look at the opportunities for and constraints to investments in sustainable agriculture in East Africa, offering important insights into what works and how to analyze agricultural investments in one of the poorest regions of the world.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Investments in Land Conservation in the Ethiopian Highlands: A Household Plot-Level Analysis of the Roles of Poverty, Tenure Security, and Market Incentives

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Land degradation is a major problem undermining land productivity in the highlands of Ethiopia. This study explores the factors that affect farm households’ decisions at the plot level to invest in land conservation and how much to invest, focusing on the roles of poverty, land tenure security, and market access. Unlike most other studies, we used a double-hurdle model in the analysis with panel data collected in a household survey of 6,408 plots in the Amhara region of Ethiopia.


Land Reforms in Asia and Africa - Impacts on Poverty and Natural Resource Management

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A new EfD/RFF Book titled "Land Reforms in Asia and Africa - Impacts on Poverty and Natural Resource Management" is planned for 2012. Editors are Professors Stein Holden and Keijiro Otsuka.

The research project on land reforms is ongoing, and a first book workshop was held on Jan 24-25, 2010, at Peking University.

Agriculture, Forestry, Policy Design, Land

Sustainable Development Innovation Brief #7

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"The contribution of sustainable agriculture and land management to sustainable development" - This brief discusses the potential for sustainable agriculture to contribute towards sustainable development with a particular focus on developing countries. It briefly describes different sustainable agricultural practices and the extent of their adoption, identifies constraints to their further adoption, and presents some actions and policy options that could accelerate the widespread adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.


Cost of Land Degradation in Ethiopia: A Critical Review of Past Studies

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This study will review the past studies of the cost of land degradation in Ethiopia, assess the major methodological and conceptual issues and problems existing in the different approaches, compare the findings across these studies considering the relative merits of the different approaches, and draw implications for policies and programs, as well as for future research related to land management in Ethiopia.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Forestry

Impacts of land certification on tenure security, investment, and land market participation: evidence from Ethiopia

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Although early attempts at land titling in Africa were often unsuccessful, the need to secure rights in view of increased demand for land, options for registration of a continuum of individual or communal rights under new laws, and the scope for reducing costs by combining information technology with participatory methods have led to renewed interest.

Agriculture, Policy Design, Land

Impacts of land certification on tenure security, investment, and land market participation: evidence from Ethiopia

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While early attempts at land titling in Africa were often unsuccessful, factors such as new legislation, low-cost methods, and increasing demand for land have generated renewed interest.

A four-period panel allows use of a pipeline and
approach to assess impacts of land registration in
Ethiopia. We find that the program increased tenure security,
land-related investment, and rental market participation and
yielded benefits significantly above the cost of implementation.

Agriculture, Policy Design