Tariffs for new renewable energy production in Costa Rica

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The Costa Rican Regulatory Authority (ARESEP) seeks a new methodology to set the prices of electric power generation that uses renewable and alternative sources of energy.

We conducted a study to internalize the environmental externalities and other economic benefits for reducing adverse effects on the environment when using other types of energy sources like fossil fuel.

Energy, Policy Design

Don’t Tell Me What to Do, Tell Me Who to Follow!

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Results indicate that visitors look at the behavior of others in deciding if and how much to donate, but partially reject being told what to do. Also, as the social reference moves farther away from average behavior, its effect on the typical visitor is diminished, leading to lower and less frequent donations.

Experiments, Conservation, Policy Design

Agroforestry Price Supports as a Conservation Tool: Mexican Shade Coffee

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EfD Authors:

Economic policies that boost profits from agroforesty, thereby creating financial incentives for land managers to favor these systems over less environmentally friendly land uses, could, in theory, have ancillary environmental benefits. This paper analyzes primary and secondary data to determine whether a voluntary price support program for Mexican coffee-mostly grown in shaded systems that supply important ecosystem services- has had such "win-win" benefits by stemming land-use change in the coffee sector.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Tradable Permits in Developing Countries: Evidence from Air Pollution in Santiago, Chile

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Santiago was one of the first cities outside the OECD to implement a tradable permit program to control air pollution. This paper looks closely at the program’s performance over the past 10 years, stressing its similarities and discrepancies with trading programs in developed countries, and analyzing how it has reacted to regulatory adjustments and market shocks. Studying Santiago’s experience allows us to discuss the drawbacks and advantages of applying tradable permits in less developed countries.


Policy Design, Carbon Pricing