Productivity development in Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish fisheries

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This article analyses the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) performance of fisheries in Iceland, Norway and Sweden during the period 1973 to 2003. We measure TFP growth using real gross value added as output and capital input, labour input and a stock input index based on the major fish stocks. In developed neighbouring countries, we expect rapid diffusion of fishing technology innovations contributing to productivity convergence. In addition, innovations in the public regulation and the industrial organization may also have influenced productivity growth during the period.


Who Should Pay the Administrative Costs of an ITQ Fishery

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Implementation and management of an ITQ fishery involves significant and costly administrative activities. These activities include formulating and implementing policy rules, monitoring and enforcement to deter illegal behavior, and economic and marine research. In this article we construct a model of a competitive ITQ system to analyze how the distribution of administrative costs between the public and a fishing industry can affect the equilibrium in the quota market, including equilibrium level of administrative costs, and derive results about the optimal distribution of these costs.


The social–ecological system framework as a knowledge classificatory system for benthic small-scale fisheries

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Ostrom proposed the underpinnings of a framework for the systematic study of the governance of complex social–ecological systems. Here we hypothesize that Ostrom’s social–ecological system framework can be useful to build a classification system for small-scale benthic fisheries, regarding their governance processes and outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to knowledge accumulation of benthic fisheries. To tailor the framework, we relied on discussions among experts and a systematic literature review of benthic fisheries from 1980 to 2010.

Fisheries, Policy Design

Economics of conservation for the Hon Mun Marine Protected Area in Vietnam

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Marine and coastal resources in Vietnam are under increasing threat from human activities (Burke et al. 2002). One way to manage these threats is through Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), which safeguard valuable ecosystems within their confines. Despite the ecological and socio-economic benefits they provide (Whittingham et al. 2003), the management of MPAs is often severely constrained by both a lack of funding and a poor relationship with communities living around (or within) them.

Conservation, Fisheries

Evaluación Socio-Económica de la Aplicación de Medidas de Administración Sobre la Pesquería Mixta de Pequeños Pelágicos de la Zona Centro Sur

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

El Departamento de Análisis Sectorial (DAS) de la Subsecretaría de Pesca, Gobierno de Chile, licitó un estudio con el propósito de evaluar, desde un punto de vista socioeconómico, los efectos de la aplicación de medidas de administración sobre la pesquería de peces pequeños pelágicos de la Zona Centro – Sur. Este proyecto fue adjudicado por la Universidad de Concepción.
