Extraction of natural resources in contexts of abundance and scarcity: An experimental analysis on non-compliance with quotas in management and exploitation areas of benthic resources in central-southern Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We study through framed field economic experiment the effects of exogenous changes in abundance levels of a renewable natural resource on compliance individual decisions of users operating under a common property regime and a system of Territorial use rights in fisheries (TURF) considering extraction quotas and external enforcement to detect and sanctions violations.


Ocean Food-Web Patrol – Climate Effects: Reducing Targeted Uncertainties With An Interactive Network

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on
EfD Authors:

The project has the goal of providing more comprehensive and reliable information to climate scientists and politicians who must make decisions about climate actions. It will rely on collecting existing knowledge from databases and will generate new knowledge where gaps are identified.

Climate Change, Fisheries, Policy Design

EfD Seventh Annual Meeting 2013

During EfD's seventh annual meeting, spring began to warm the Western Cape of South Africa creating a fertile environment for over 70 delegates to present fresh research findings and exchange…

Date: Thursday 24 October — Sunday 27 October, 2013
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

New Project on Artisanal Fishery in Chile

The EfD center in Chile, Research Nucleus on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics – Universidad de Concepción, is currently developing a research project on the Artisanal Sardine and Anchovies…

| Fisheries | Chile

Hunter Lenihan in Concepción

Professor Hunter Lenihan from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), visited the EfD Center at Concepcion. Professor Lenihan is a…

| Fisheries | Chile

Shallow waters: social science research in South Africa's marine environment

Submitted by Byela Tibesigwa on

This paper provides an overview of social science research in the marine environment of South Africa for the period 1994–2012. A bibliography based on a review of relevant literature and social science projects funded under the SEAChange programme of the South African Network for Coastal and Oceanic Research (SANCOR) was used to identify nine main themes that capture the knowledge generated in the marine social science field. Within these themes, a wide diversity of topics has been explored, covering a wide geographic area.
