Changes in subjective well-being, aspirations and expectations in participants of poverty alleviation programs: A qualitative analysis of Produciendo Por Mi Futuro in Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

This document presents the results of the qualitative analysis on the understanding of well-being
and  the  changes  in  life  satisfaction,  aspirations   and  expectations  in  the  participants  of  the  
Produciendo   por   mi   Futuro   program   in Colombia,   a   poverty-reduction   intervention   
implemented by Prosperidad Social, that is based on the graduation programs developed initially

Policy Design

Cambios en bienestar subjetivo, aspiraciones y expectativas en participantes de programas de alivio a la pobreza: un análisis cualitativo de Produciendo por mi futuro en Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Este documento presenta los resultados del análisis cualitativo sobre la concepción de bienestar y los cambios en satisfacción de vida, aspiraciones y expectativas en los participantes del programa Produciendo por Mi Futuro en Colombia, una intervención de alivio a la pobreza que implementó Prosperidad Social y que tiene su sustento en los programas de graduación desarrollados inicialmente por el BRAC Development Institute de Bangladesh. El análisis cualitativo se llevó a cabo utilizando el método biográfico denominado Historias de Vida.

Policy Design

The demand for air quality: evidence from the housing market in Bogotá, Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Identifying a demand function for air quality is a key input to calculate welfare measurements of pollution abatement policies. We defined intra-urban housing submarkets to apply a Second Stage hedonic pricing model that allowed us to identify an inverse demand function for PM10 reductions in Bogotá. The monthly benefits of compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standard (50 μg/m3 – annual average), and the far more stringent World Health Organization standard (20 μg/m3 – annual average) are valued at US$12.16 and US$189.64 per household, respectively.

Policy Design, Air Quality

Mismo Recurso, Diferentes Conflictos: Un Análisis De La Relación Entre Oro, Conflicto y Criminalidad En Seis Departamentos Colombianos

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

La adopción de una nueva política minera en 2001 junto con el drástico incremento de los precios internacionales de oro desde ese mismo año ha motivado la expansión de la minería aurífera (formal e informal) en Colombia.

Policy Design

Efficiency and Stability of Sampling Equilibrium in Public Good Games

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Most models of social preferences and bounded rationality that are effective in explaining efficiency-increasing departures from equilibrium behavior cannot easily account for similar deviations when they are efficiency-reducing. We show that the notion of sampling equilibrium, subject to a suitable stability refinement, can account for behavior in both efficiency-enhancing and efficiency-reducing conditions.

Policy Design

Evaluación Cualitativa del Programa de Alivio a la Pobreza Produciendo por mi Futuro en Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Produciendo por Mi Futuro (PxMF) es una intervención de alivio a la pobreza, implementada en Colombia por Prosperidad Social, que tiene como sustento los programas de graduación desarrollados inicialmente por el BRAC Development Institute de Bangladesh, y posteriormente por la Fundación Ford en 8 países del mundo.

Policy Design

Collective Property Leads to Household Investments: Lessons from Land Titling in Afro-Colombian Communities

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

In the developing world, collective land titling has become an important tool for recognizing the historical presence of ethnic communities and safeguarding their rights to occupy and manage their territories. However, little is known about the average impact of these titling processes on the well-being of these communities. In this paper we attempt to estimate the impact of collective land titling in territories inhabited by Afro-descendent communities in Colombia.

Conservation, Policy Design

Assessing the impacts of transport policies through energy system simulation: The case of the Medellin Metropolitan Area, Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

The transport sector contributes to climate change, and it has been the target of public interventions to improve quality of life and reduce CO2 emissions. The Medellin metropolitan area (Colombia) has developed a mass transportation system called Metro de Medellin that integrates train lines, a tram line, BRTs, gondola lift systems, a bicycle-sharing system and hybrid buses to reduce traffic and CO2 emissions.

Policy Design

Simulating mining policies in developing countries: The case of Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Mining represents an important economic sector in almost all countries, especially the developing ones. The planning in this area is complex due to the interaction between different aspects like economic factors, environmental and social issues, and government regulation. A tool for policy analysis is needed to understand and test the effects of new and existing policies and avoid unanticipated side effects.

Policy Design

Technical Synergies and Trade-Offs Between Abatement of Global and Local Air Pollution

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

In this paper, we explore the synergies and tradeoffs between abatement of global and local pollution. We build a unique dataset of Swedish combined heat and power plants with detailed boiler-level data 2001–2009 on not only production and inputs but also on emissions of \hbox {CO}_{2} and \hbox {NO}_{\mathrm{x}}. Both pollutants are regulated by strict policies in Sweden. \hbox {CO}_{2} is subject to the European Union Emission Trading Scheme and Swedish carbon taxes; \hbox {NO}_{\mathrm{x}}—as a precursor of acid rain and eutrophication—is regulated by a heavy fee.

Climate Change, Policy Design