Agricultural Risk Management through Community-Based Wildlife Conservation in Rural Zimbabwe

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By making use of national historical data and statistical analysis, this paper argues that community-based wildlife conservation is a feasible hedge asset for agricultural production in rural Zimbabwe.


Using Economic Incentives to encourage Conservation in Bioregions in South Africa

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While many factors might affect biodiversity conservation, the use of economic incentives is argued to be potentially one of the most effective mechanisms for mainstreaming biodiversityconservation in bioregions. Institutions are singled out as one important class of socio-economic arrangements directly associated with economic incentives.


Don’t Tell Me What to Do, Tell Me Who to Follow!

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Results indicate that visitors look at the behavior of others in deciding if and how much to donate, but partially reject being told what to do. Also, as the social reference moves farther away from average behavior, its effect on the typical visitor is diminished, leading to lower and less frequent donations.

Experiments, Conservation, Policy Design

Wildlife Management In Zimbabwe: Evidence From A Contingent Valuation Study

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If communities living adjacent to the elephant see it as a burden, then they cannot be its stewards. To assess their valuation of it, a contingent valuation method study was conducted for one CAMPFIRE district in Zimbabwe.


Does Disclosure Reduce Pollution? Evidence from India's Green Rating Project

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Public disclosure programs that collect and disseminate information about firms’ environmental performance are increasingly popular in both developed and developing countries. Yet little is known about whether they actually improve environmental performance, particularly in the latter setting.

The authors use detailed plant-level survey data to evaluate the impact of India’s Green Rating Project (GRP) on the environmental performance of the country’s largest pulp and paper plants.


Policy Design, Conservation