Agricultural-risk management through community-based wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether community-based wildlife conservation can potentially be added in rural farmers’ investment portfolio to diversify and consequently reduce agricultural risk.

Design/methodology/approach – The correlation coefficient is computed from national data on the rates of return on agricultural production and wildlife conservation, to find out whether wildlife conservation is a feasible hedge asset.

Agriculture, Conservation, Policy Design

Kenya State of Environment Report 2010

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EfD-Kenya actively participated in the preparation of the Kenya State of Environment (SoE) Report 2010. EfD-K Researchers Dr. Wilfred Nyangena and Geophrey Sikei were authors in the report. Dr. Nyangena was the Lead Author for Chapter 11 of the report which dealt with Policy options for action. Geophrey was a contributing author in Chapter 11 and Chapter 6 dealing with Land, Agriculture and Livestock.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Energy, Fisheries, Forestry, Conservation, Policy Design

Paying the price of sweetening your donation: Evidence from a natural field experiment

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We add a gift in appreciation of the subject’s contribution to a social reference treatment successfully proven to trigger higher donations, and find that the share of people contributing decreases significantly, thereby eroding the original treatment’s capacity to increase donations.


Experiments, Conservation, Policy Design

Ecotourism and the development of indigenous communities: The good, the bad, and the ugly.

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A large part of the literature analyzing the links between biodiversity conservation and community development assumes that nature-based tourism managed by indigenous communities will result not only in conservation of natural resources but also in increased development.

Conservation, Policy Design

Perspectivas futuras sobre el co-manejo como alternativa para el uso y la protección de las tortugas en Ostional

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EfD Authors:

A pesar del relativo éxito del modelo de co-manejo que existe en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre de Ostional, los cambios externos repentinos y sin precedentes en el entorno local plantean serias interrogantes a la permanencia de este modelo de gestión para el uso y la protección de tortugas.

Conservation, Policy Design

What makes them follow the rules: the case of Ostional turtle egg harvesters

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EfD Authors:

Understanding the reasons why some people are more prone to break the rules than others reveal some of the challenges that local people and policy makers must overcome in order to let local institutions endure.

Conservation, Policy Design