Risk Implications of Farm Technology Adoption in the Ethiopian Highlands

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Risk implications of farm technology adoption vary by technology type. If properly implemented, the safety net program and the weather insurance programs currently piloted in some parts of Ethiopia are actions that could hedge against downside risk.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Poverty, Risk Aversion, and Path Dependence in Low-Income Countries: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia

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In most low-income countries, rural households depend on mixed rain-fed agriculture/livestock production, which is very risky. Due to numerous market failures, there are few ways to shift risks to third parties.


Policy Design

Assessing opportunity costs of conservation: Ingredients for protected area management in the Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya

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The Kakamega Forest is the only remaining tropical rainforest fragment in Western Kenya and hosts large numbers of endemic animal and plant species. Protected areas were established decades ago in order to preserve the forest's unique biodiversity from being converted into agricultural land by the regions large number of small-scale farmers. Nonetheless, recent research shows that degradation continues at alarming rates.


Guthiga chose Kenya over Europe

"EfD gave me a smooth transition to my home country after my studies in Europe", says Paul Maina Guthiga, research fellow of EfD in Kenya. He is currently focusing on the anticipated economics impacts…

| Kenya

Risk Implications of Farm Technology Adoption in the Ethiopian Highlands

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In developing countries, production and consumption risks play a critical role in the choice and use of production inputs and adoption of new farm technologies. The authors investigated impacts of chemical fertilizer and soil and water conservation technologies adoption on production risks, using a moment-based approach and two years of cross-sectional data.

