Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of ecosystem-based adaptation: Kamiesberg wetlands case study

Submitted by Felicity Downes on
EfD Authors:

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is increasingly being promoted as a cost-effective means of adaptation
to climate change. However, in spite of considerable international press, there is still little evidence to
substantiate this claim. This study proposes a method through which the cost-effectiveness of EbA
strategies can be evaluated against alternative adaptation options, and contributes to South African
literature on the subject. The potential cost-effectiveness of wetland restoration is assessed as a means of

Climate Change

Estimation of the Water Quality Amelioration Value of Wetlands:A Case Study of the Western Cape, South Africa

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Wetlands are commonly understood to have the capacity to reduce the loads of excess nutrients, pathogens, sediments, and other contaminants generated by various activities in their catchment areas. However, quantifying these “services” is difficult and most research in this field has concentrated on artificial treatment wetlands. Understanding the value of their water treatment characteristics, as well as the other services they provide, is increasingly recognized as essential to achieving a balance between conservation and activities that degrade or replace wetlands.

Policy Design

A protocol for the quantification and valuation of wetland ecosystem services.

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EfD Authors:

This publication provides advice on how to approach wetland valuation studies in terms of methodological rigour, breadth and depth of the analsys, according to their application, and provides detailed guidelines for valuation methods used for different types of value.

Policy Design

Case studies of the valuation of provisioning, regulating and cultural services provided by wetlands.

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EfD Authors:

This publication is a compilation of five wetland valuation case studies carried out on different provisioning, regulating and cultural services and at different scales in South Africa in Lesotho.

Policy Design

The Wetland Livelihood Value Index: A tool for the assessment of the livelihood value of wetlands.

Submitted by admin on
EfD Authors:

This publication provides an explanation of the social benefits provided by wetlands in rural and urban areas, and a logical and straightforward way in which to quantify and compare the importance of individual wetlands in terms of their livelihood contribution.

Policy Design

Wetland ecosystem services and their valuation: a review of current understanding and practice

Submitted by admin on
EfD Authors:

This publication provides a comprehensive review of the nature of the services provided by wetlands, how they are measured and valued, giving case study examples from around the world.

Policy Design

Socio-economic and ecological determinants in Wetland fisheries in the Yala Swamp.

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The paper examines the determinants in wetland fisheries in the Yala Swamp on the coast of Lake Victoria in Kenya with an aim to guide policy on an integrated approach towards sustainable management of fisheries in all the wetland resources.



Valuing wetland attributes: an application of choice experiments

Submitted by admin on

The interest for wetlands is increasing, not only because of the possibility of a cost-efficient uptake of nutrients, but also because wetlands can be designed to provide other services. What values that are supplied depend largely on the design.