Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of ecosystem-based adaptation: Kamiesberg wetlands case study

Submitted by Felicity Downes on
EfD Authors:

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is increasingly being promoted as a cost-effective means of adaptation
to climate change. However, in spite of considerable international press, there is still little evidence to
substantiate this claim. This study proposes a method through which the cost-effectiveness of EbA
strategies can be evaluated against alternative adaptation options, and contributes to South African
literature on the subject. The potential cost-effectiveness of wetland restoration is assessed as a means of

Climate Change

Assessing Gender Inequality in Food Security amongst Small-holder Farm Households in urban and rural South Africa

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

With the ongoing changes in climate, household food insecurity is likely to be more widespread in most small-holder and subsistence farm households in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the existence and extent of gendered household food security—or lack thereof—remains unclear.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Gender

Climate change and South Africa’s commercial farms: an assessment of impacts on specialised horticulture, crop, livestock and mixed farming systems

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

South Africa, a main food exporter in SADC, is characterised by a dual agricultural economy consisting of a well-developed commercial sector and smallholder, often subsistence, farming. Using the Ricardian cross-sectional framework, we examine the impact of climate change on a nationwide sample of crop, horticulture, livestock and mixed commercial farming systems.

Agriculture, Climate Change

Implications of water policy reforms for agricultural productivity in South Africa: Scenario analysis based on the Olifants river basin

Submitted by Felicity Downes on

This paper uses the water-reallocation scheme created within the National Water Act (1998) to analyze the impacts of water policy on farm livelihoods in South Africa. Based on one of the most water stressed catchments in the country, the Olifants river basin, we provide an integrated modeling approach combining water and agricultural modules to investigate the impacts of compulsory licensing and water market on crop production and investment made to improve water use efficiency.

Agriculture, Forestry, Water

Climate change impacts and adaptation in South Africa

Submitted by Felicity Downes on
EfD Authors:

In this paper we review current approaches and recent advances in research on climate impacts and adaptation in South Africa. South Africa has a well-developed earth system science research program that underpins the climate change scenarios developed for the southern African region. Established research on the biophysical impacts of climate change on key sectors (water, agriculture, and biodiversity) integrates the climate change scenarios but further research is needed in a number of areas, such as the climate impacts on cities and the built environment.

Climate Change

Abalone conservation in the presence of drug use and corruption: implications for its management in South Africa

Submitted by Byela Tibesigwa on

The illegal exploitation of wild abalone in South Africa has been escalating since 1994, despite increased enforcement, leading to collapse in some sections of its range. South Africa banned all wild abalone fishing in 2008 but controversially reopened the fishery in 2010. This paper formulates a poacher’s model, taking into account the realities of the abalone terrain in South Africa – the high-value of abalone, use of recreational drugs, the prevalence of bribery, and corruption – to explore why poaching has not subsided.
