Tradable Permits in Developing Countries: Evidence from Air Pollution in Santiago, Chile

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Santiago was one of the first cities outside the OECD to implement a tradable permit program to control air pollution. This paper looks closely at the program’s performance over the past 10 years, stressing its similarities and discrepancies with trading programs in developed countries, and analyzing how it has reacted to regulatory adjustments and market shocks. Studying Santiago’s experience allows us to discuss the drawbacks and advantages of applying tradable permits in less developed countries.


Policy Design, Carbon Pricing

Strategic Environmental Assessment in Policy and Sector Reform – Conceptual Model and Operational Guidance

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This book is the final report from the World Bank's SEA pilot program. It presents the findings and recommendations of the evaluation of the Pilot Program which comprised six SEA pilots on sector reforms in Kenya, Malawi, Sierra Leone, West Africa, Bangladesh and China.





















Forestry, Policy Design

Impacts of the Productive Safety Net Program in Ethiopia on livestock

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We evaluated the impacts of the Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) on rural households' holdings of livestock and forest assets/trees. We found no indication that participation in PSNP induces households to disinvest in livestock or trees. In fact, households that participated in the program increased the number of trees planted, but there was no increase in their livestock holdings.

Agriculture, Forestry

An analysis of the driving restriction implemented in San José, Costa Rica

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This study evaluates the effect of driving restriction on national transport fuel sales in San José, Costa Rica.

Driving restrictions such as the one implemented in the San José Metropolitan Area, in Costa Rica, have gained popularity among policymakers in developing countries. However, the effects of restrictions on common transport externalities such as air pollution and traffic congestion remain unclear. This analysis evaluates the effect of San José’s driving restriction on national transport fuel sales.


Policy Design

The Economics of Sustainable Land Management Practices in the Ethiopian Highlands

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This article uses data from household- and plot-level surveys conducted in the highlands of the Tigray and Amhara regions of Ethiopia. We examine the contribution of sustainable land management (SLM) practices to net value of agricultural production in areas with low vs. high agricultural potential.


Dealing with Ignored Attributes in Choice Experiments on Valuation of Sweden´s Environmental Quality Objectives

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Using a choice experiment, this paper investigates how Swedish citizens value three environmental quality objectives. In addition, a follow-up question is used to investigate whether respondents ignored any attributes when responding.

Policy Design

Responsible Investment: A Vehicle for Environmentally Sustainable Economic Growth in South Africa

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This paper explores whether any investment products or strategies in South Africa take environmental sustainability into account. By looking at how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are used in investment decision making, we found that most socially responsible investment products and responsible investment strategies largely focus on infrastructure, development, and black economic empowerment.

Policy Design

Behavioral Response to Plastic Bag Legislation in Botswana

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This paper investigates the use of charges and standards in dealing with a common externality, plastic litter from shopping bags in Botswana. The country passed a plastic bag tax (effective 2007) to curb the plastic bag demand. Interestingly, the legislation did not force retailers to charge for plastic bags, which they did voluntarily at different prices.

Policy Design

Integrating location models with Bayesian Analysis to inform decision making

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This paper is about locating sensors in water distribution networks and making inferences on the presence of contamination events based on sensor signals.

Experiments, Policy Design, Water

Corporate Environmental Management in Transition Economies: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe

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We use firm-level data to study the adoption of Environmental Management Practices (EMPs) in the most polluting industrial sectors in Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia during the 1990 – 1998 period when these countries were in a transition away from a centrally planned economy.

Climate Change